by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Ice Barrier Decks Yugioh Deck

0 A0

by Nexus King

Main: 40 Extra: 15 Side: 14

Banlist: 2024.12 TCG

0 Last Updated: 2024-12-22

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


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Deck Description

This deck has been published by Nexus King using the Dueling Nexus deck editor. While this description was brought to you by Lorelei. This is a yugioh deck that I call 0 A0. No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the December 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-12-22.

Nexus King didn't specify if this deck is better at going first or second at the start of the duel. Nexus King didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. Nexus King didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play.

You can scroll down to see the full list. There are 40 cards in the main deck.

No other deck editor comes close to the Dueling Nexus deck editor, I highly recommend you check it out. The shuffle button is a quick way to see many possible opening hands before you even take this deck to a duel.

Main [40] [2] [10] [28]

Extra [15] [3] [2] [10]

Side [14] [5] [2] [4] [2] [1]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
3 Icejade Ran Aegirine $0.37 $0.31
1 General Raiho of the Ice Barrier $0.21 $0.14
3 Georgius, Swordman of the Ice Barrier $0.9 $1.04
3 Revealer of the Ice Barrier $5.32 $3.68
3 Speaker for the Ice Barriers $1.59 $1.23
2 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring $-0.01 $-0.01
2 Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion $0.31 $0.29
3 Mirror Mage of the Ice Barrier $3.07 $3.2
2 General Wayne of the Ice Barrier $0.12 $0.15
2 Effect Veiler $1.58 $0.62
2 Kurikara Divincarnate $5.35 $8.42
2 Nibiru, the Primal Being $2.04 $1.08
2 Triple Tactics Talent $6.63 $3.8
2 Medallion of the Ice Barrier $0.15 $0.08
2 Freezing Chains of the Ice Barrier $0.11 $0.19
2 Icejade Cenote Enion Cradle $0.04 $0.04
2 Pot of Avarice $0.49 $0.27
2 Infinite Impermanence $6.18 $2.16
1 Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier $1.1 $1.96
1 Lancea, Ancestral Dragon of the Ice Mountain $13.22 $15.83
1 Icejade Gymir Aegirine $0.25 $0.32
1 Stellar Wind Wolfrayet $0.13 $0.09
1 Adamancipator Risen - Dragite $0.16 $0.23
1 S:P Little Knight $44.09 $48.23
1 I:P Masquerena $0.45 $0.84
1 Ravenous Crocodragon Archethys $0.26 $0.22
1 Deep Sea Prima Donna $0.18 $0.18
1 Coral Dragon $0.09 $0.16
1 Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying $4.38 $7.08
1 Marincess Coral Anemone $0.24 $0.23
1 Toadally Awesome $4.23 $5.31
1 Psychic End Punisher $0.11 $0.11
1 Bahamut Shark $0.24 $0.27
1 Warlock of the Ice Barrier $0.15 $0.16
1 Accesscode Talker $1.02 $2.11
1 Knightmare Unicorn $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Monster Reborn $0.25 $0.02
1 Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax $0.19 $0.02
1 Ice Barrier $0.12 $0.09
1 Number 4: Stealth Kragen $2.61 $2.42
1 Abyss Dweller $0.18 $0.13
1 Frozen Domain of the Ice Barrier $0.07 $0.11
1 Underworld Goddess of the Closed World $0.26 $0.43
1 Winds Over the Ice Barrier $0.42 $0.52
2 Dominus Impulse $37.74 $31.09
1 World Legacy Awakens $0.16 $0.08

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