by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Yugioh Deck

000 Odion1 '

by Kagura

Main: 50 Extra: 13 Side: 15

Banlist: 2024.04 TCG

10 Last Updated: 2024-07-10

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


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Deck Description

This here deck was brought to you by Kagura. While the article for this here yugioh deck was written by Lorelei. This is a deck that that is named 000 Odion1 '. No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the April 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-07-10.

Kagura didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. Kagura didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play.

This main deck has 50 cards.

Dueling Nexus has the most advanced deck builder in the world. You can use the shuffle button to see your opening hand.

Main [50] [6] [22] [8] [14]

Extra [13] [4] [9]

Side [15] [3] [8] [4]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
1 Dark Magician $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Dark Magician $-0.01 $-0.01
3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon $0.06 $0.02
2 Cyber Petit Angel $0.18 $0.09
2 Slifer the Sky Dragon $0.41 $0.33
1 Yubel - Terror Incarnate $0.57 $0.95
1 Evil HERO Adusted Gold $22.33 $15.72
1 Kaiser Vorse Raider $0.21 $0.17
3 Vorse Raider $0.13 $0.09
2 Millennium Golem $1.99 $2.17
1 Armored Zombie $0.1 $0.08
1 Alligator's Sword $0.09 $0.09
1 Keeper of Dragon Magic $0.21 $0.2
1 Souls of the Forgotten $0.07 $0.02
1 Dragon Zombie $0.46 $0.02
3 Graceful Charity $3.69 $1.9
3 Axe of Despair $0.25 $0.13
1 Fusion Deployment $0.23 $0.08
1 Magicalized Fusion $0.19 $0.12
3 Dark Hole $0.16 $0.02
3 Change of Heart $0.26 $0.12
3 Monster Reborn $-0.01 $-0.01
3 Raigeki $2.2 $1.24
2 Swords of Revealing Light $0.12 $0.08
3 Ring of Destruction $1.3 $0.65
1 Fairy Box $0.25 $0.14
1 Magic Cylinder $0.29 $0.14
1 Blazing Mirror Force $0.53 $0.24
2 Rainbow Neos $0.19 $0.39
2 Elemental HERO Neos Kluger $0.22 $0.39
1 Evil HERO Malicious Bane $0.43 $0.26
1 The Dark Magicians $3.55 $1.01
1 Dark Cavalry $9.79 $7.06
1 Red-Eyes Slash Dragon $20.63 $9.6
1 Masked HERO Dark Law $0.18 $0.02
1 Time Thief Redoer $0.07 $0.09
1 Tornado Dragon $0.09 $0.08
1 Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir $0.52 $0.3
1 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK $0.45 $0.25
2 Apprentice Illusion Magician $1.08 $0.75
1 Magician's Rod $0.23 $0.21
1 Magicians' Souls $0.65 $1.49
1 Super Polymerization $1.87 $1.36
1 Secrets of Dark Magic $0.39 $0.4
2 Dark Magical Circle $0.24 $0.05
1 Star Pendulumgraph $0.35 $0.19
1 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation $0.43 $0.21
1 Fusion Recycling Plant $0.11 $0.06
1 Dreamland $0.18 $0.25
1 Time Pendulumgraph $0.32 $0.25
2 Eternal Soul $0.65 $0.37

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