The TCG has announced their January 2024 banlist. This banlist will go into effect on January 1st, 2024. You can find the changes below:

- Kelbek the Ancient Vanguard (Previously Limited)
- Mathmech Circular (Previously Limited)
- Agido the Ancient Sentinel (Previously Limited)
- Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights (Previously Unlimited)

- Orcust Harp Horror (Previously Forbidden)
- Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders (Previously Forbbiden)
- Rescue-ACE Air Lifter (Previously Unlimited)
- Unchained Soul of Sharvara (Previously Unlimited)
- Sunavalon Dryas (Previously Unlimited)
- Sunvine Healer (Previously Unlimited)
- Ib the World Chalice Justiciar (Previously Forbidden)
- Snatch Steal (Previously Forbidden)
- Gozen Match (Previously Unlimited)
- Rivalry of Warlords (Previously Unlimited)
- There Can Be Only One (Previously Unlimited)

- Dinowrestler Pankratops (Previously Limited)
- Speedroid Terrortop (Previously Limited)
- Purrely Sleepy Memory (Previously Unlimited)

- Infernity Archfiend (Previously Limited)
- Kashtira Unicorn (Previously Semi-Limited)
- Mind Control (Previously Limited)
- Pot of Desires (Previously Semi-Limited)
- Spellbook of Judgment (Previously Limited)
- Spright Starter (Previously Semi-Limited)
- Upstart Goblin (Previously Limited
This banlist is currently available in Dueling Nexus for Custom Games. On January 1st, 2024, Dueling Nexus will be updated with the release of Season 4. This season will include a Ranked mode reset, a new Battle Pass, and more features, which will be outlined in an announcement post on that day. The current September 2023 TCG banlist will remain in effect until then.