Link: Kashtira Deck 2023
How To Play
Welcome to my Post Banlist Kashtira Deck Profile for 2023! Kashtira was the unprecedented Tier 0 when it first came out, which sustainable boards that ended with either your T/S or Monster row(s) locked (not to mention half your deck banished by Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker). Now that the deck has entered peacetime from its dreadful war stage, it can finally be utilized with some finesse if played by the right person.
If you’ve played Kashtira, then you should be aware of the effects of the deck’s staples like Kashtira Unicorn and Kashtira Fenrir. For those who are new, welcome, and the easier combo you can do with either is: Unicorn’s effect add Kashtiratheosis SS Fenrir, add Kashtira Riseheart, then go into an end-board of either Kashtira Arise-Heart and/or Kashtira Shangri-Ira; And alternatively, Fenrir’s eff add Kashtira Ogre (for either of your Traps) or Riseheart for an XYZ, set and pass. It’s a pretty simple deck.
A few keen details about the deck are below.
Additional Deck info
Forbidden Lance is useful for Dark Ruler No More targetted on Ariseheart, especially against decks that need their GY, like Dragon-Link, Runick variations, and Labrynth.
My deck did have a multitude of hand traps, such as Ash and Droll, and even had a Crossout Designator for negation. However, I decided to cut a few of them out for Dimension Shifter as it pretty much nulls out all hand traps regardless.
The Dark Hole was an interesting choice for me, but a beneficial decision as it outs Knightmare Corruptor Iblee on your field and takes care of your opponent’s monster(s) as well.
Denko Sekka is still on the side, as back row decks are still relevant. However, pair it with Eradicator Epidemic Virus, and you’ll have an ingenious way to get rid of all your opponent’s cards before they have the chance to use them.
That’s pretty much it. I hope you enjoy playing this deck!
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