This deck was published by a Dueling Nexus user. We keep a list of the latest meta and tournament decks. To access it, please use the button above.
Deck Description
We would like to thank Dikke for sharing their deck with the public. The article was created by Shiloh. We have a deck profile that was named [E] obelisk the tormentor by the person who made it. This is a edison deck. Edison decks can only contain cards released before March of 2010. Edison decks have to use pre-errata versions of cards whenever they are available. This deck uses the September 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-12-09.
Dikke didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. This deck is relatively easy to play.
The full deck profile can be seen below. The main deck has 40 cards.
The Dueling Nexus deck editor is the best and most feature rich deck editor in the whole world. The shuffle button can be used to quickly see your opening hands.
Deck Breakdown
Main Deck
Extra Deck
Archetype Breakdown
Deck List
# | Name | TCGPlayer | Cardmarket |
2 | Green Gadget | $0.13 | $0.06 |
2 | Red Gadget | $0.08 | $0.06 |
2 | Yellow Gadget | $0.13 | $0.07 |
3 | Phantom Skyblaster | $0.09 | $0.08 |
3 | Obelisk the Tormentor | $0.46 | $0.38 |
3 | Caius the Shadow Monarch | $4.34 | $3.25 |
1 | Gorz the Emissary of Darkness | $1.47 | $2.02 |
3 | Gravekeeper's Spy | $0.32 | $0.4 |
1 | Gravekeeper's Descendant | $3.68 | $1.37 |
1 | Dark Armed Dragon | $0.25 | $0.29 |
1 | Neo-Spacian Grand Mole | $0.28 | $0.19 |
3 | Soul Exchange | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Brain Control | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | My Body as a Shield | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
2 | Ultimate Offering | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Call of the Haunted | $0.08 | $0.05 |
2 | Bottomless Trap Hole | $0.22 | $0.1 |
2 | Starlight Road | $0.17 | $0.2 |
1 | Solemn Judgment | $0.5 | $0.41 |
1 | Mirror Force | $0.51 | $0.02 |
1 | Trap Dustshoot | $15.62 | $7.42 |
2 | Dimensional Prison | $4.82 | $2.98 |
1 | Compulsory Evacuation Device | $0.1 | $0.09 |