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Deck Description
This deck has been uploaded by Hiro70 using the Dueling Nexus deck editor. While this description was published by Shiloh. This here deck was named 1st YuGiOh: Red-Eyes by the person who created it. No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the December 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-12-25.
Hiro70 didn't specify if this deck is better at going first or second at the start of the duel. Hiro70 didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. Hiro70 didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play.
The entire list of cards is available below, the main deck has 60 cards.
I create all my decks using the Dueling Nexus deck creator because its the best one. The shuffle button is a quick way to see many possible opening hands before you even take this deck to a duel.
Deck Breakdown
Main Deck
Extra Deck
Archetype Breakdown
Deck List
# | Name | TCGPlayer | Cardmarket |
3 | Dark Magician | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
3 | Red-Eyes Black Dragon | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
3 | Summoned Skull | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
3 | Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
3 | Red-Eyes Soul | $0.57 | $0.13 |
3 | Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon | $1.8 | $1.77 |
3 | Red-Eyes Retro Dragon | $0.22 | $0.16 |
3 | Red-Eyes Baby Dragon | $2.04 | $1.73 |
3 | Black Metal Dragon | $0.5 | $0.75 |
3 | The Black Stone of Legend | $1.12 | $1.75 |
3 | Red-Eyes Fusion | $0.43 | $0.2 |
3 | Return of the Dragon Lords | $5.74 | $5.42 |
3 | Cards of the Red Stone | $0.22 | $0.11 |
3 | The Claw of Hermos | $0.76 | $0.29 |
3 | Inferno Fire Blast | $0.17 | $0.02 |
3 | Red-Eyes Insight | $6.7 | $6.37 |
3 | Red-Eyes Spirit | $0.22 | $0.14 |
3 | Red-Eyes Fang with Chain | $9.61 | $8.45 |
3 | Red-Eyes Burn | $0.31 | $0.16 |
3 | Return of the Red-Eyes | $0.22 | $0.19 |
3 | Archfiend Black Skull Dragon | $0.34 | $0.43 |
3 | Meteor Black Comet Dragon | $5.41 | $2.84 |
3 | Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon | $0.63 | $1.07 |
3 | Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword | $0.4 | $0.17 |
3 | Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon | $0.22 | $0.15 |