by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Ryu-Ge Decks Yugioh Deck


by ZaSlayer

Main: 53 Extra: 15 Side: 15

Banlist: 2024.12 TCG

12 Last Updated: 2025-01-25

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


You may use the top decks button above to see our list of curated meta decks. This deck was published by one of our users.

Deck Description

This deck has been created by ZaSlayer using the DNx deck editor. The description was brought to you by Lorelei. Welcome to a deck profile for a deck I call RYU-GE. No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the December 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2025-01-22 and was last updated on 2025-01-25.

ZaSlayer didn't specify if this deck is better at going first or second at the start of the duel. ZaSlayer didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. ZaSlayer didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play.

You can see the full deck list under the article, the main deck has exactly 53 cards.

This deck was made using the Dueling Nexus deck editor.You can easily see many different opening hands using the shuffle button.

Main [53] [19] [3] [30] [1]

Extra [15] [5] [8] [2]

Side [15] [1] [8] [6]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
2 Kairo Ryu-Ge Emva $0.13 $0.17
1 Genro Ryu-Ge Hakva $0.14 $0.21
1 Kyoro Ryu-Ge Kaiva $0.12 $0.22
3 Sosei Ryu-Ge Mistva $2.81 $5.72
1 Dinowrestler Pankratops $0.19 $0.1
1 Frostosaurus $0.04 $0.13
2 Ultimate Conductor Tyranno $0.17 $0.12
1 Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju $0.17 $0.13
1 Miscellaneousaurus $0.14 $0.13
3 Souleating Oviraptor $0.21 $0.13
1 Giant Rex $0.14 $0.12
1 Animadorned Archosaur $0.15 $0.18
3 Babycerasaurus $0.11 $0.06
2 Petiteranodon $0.14 $0.19
1 Xeno Meteorus $0.4 $0.47
1 Archnemeses Protos $0.21 $0.38
3 Effect Veiler $0.23 $0.18
3 Droll & Lock Bird $0.56 $0.72
3 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit $0.52 $0.12
3 Ryu-Ge Rising $0.08 $0.08
1 Ryu-Ge Realm - Sea Spires $0.06 $0
1 Ryu-Ge Realm - Wyrm Winds $0.06 $0
1 Ryu-Ge Realm - Dino Domains $0.06 $0
2 Ryu-Ge War Zone $0.11 $0.22
2 Double Evolution Pill $0.18 $0.18
1 Lost World $0.1 $0.12
3 Forbidden Chalice $0.26 $0.24
1 Called by the Grave $0.18 $0.12
3 The Melody of Awakening Dragon $0.06 $0.04
1 Terraforming $0.2 $0.1
1 Transcendosaurus Exaraptor $0.08 $0.1
1 Evolzar Lars $1.92 $2.11
1 Evolzar Dolkka $0.55 $1.72
1 Evolzar Laggia $0.86 $1.1
1 Ultimaya Tzolkin $0.2 $0.14
1 Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon $0.25 $0.3
1 Knightmare Unicorn $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Knightmare Phoenix $0.13 $0.02
1 Salamangreat Almiraj $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe $0.1 $0.19
1 Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max $0.58 $1.22
1 Abyss Dweller $0.08 $0.07
1 Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon $0.61 $0.32
1 Borrelend Dragon $0.11 $0.1
3 Artifact Lancea $0.33 $0.23
2 Lightning Storm $2.15 $0.02
1 Anti-Spell Fragrance $0.11 $0.02
1 Change of Heart $0.26 $0.12
2 Book of Moon $0.19 $0.1
1 Book of Lunar Eclipse $0.17 $0.28
2 Cosmic Cyclone $0.17 $0.1
2 Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju $0.13 $0.15
1 True King Lithosagym, the Disaster $0.14 $0.03

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