by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Yugioh Deck


by Diavolo

Main: 40 Extra: 15 Side: 13

Banlist: 2024.09 TCG

1 Last Updated: 2024-09-28

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


We keep an updated list of meta decks, you can access them by clicking on the button above. This deck was uploaded by a Dueling Nexus user.

Deck Description

I would like to thank Diavolo for sharing their deck with everyone. The article was created by Dimitri. Thank you for visiting, let's go over this deck called: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA URIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the Sep. 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-09-28.

Diavolo didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. Diavolo didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play.

The main deck for this yugioh deck conntains 40 cards.

The Dueling Nexus yugioh deck builder is the best and most feature rich yugioh deck builder in the whole world. I highly suggest using the shuffle button before you duel with this deck. This way you can see your potential opening hands.

Main [40] [24] [7] [9]

Extra [15] [15]

Side [13] [10] [1] [2]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
3 Uria, Lord of Searing Flames $0.4 $0.38
2 Breaker the Magical Warrior $0.25 $0.1
1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind $0.23 $0.37
1 Sangan $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Card Trooper $0.12 $0.09
1 Morphing Jar $1.91 $0.1
3 Magic Planter $0.13 $0.13
2 Gold Sarcophagus $0.13 $0.1
2 Mage Power $0.17 $0.14
1 Torrential Tribute $0.05 $0.1
2 Starlight Road $0.18 $0.21
2 Metal Reflect Slime $0.14 $0.07
3 Embodiment of Apophis $0.18 $0.1
3 Nightmare Wheel $0.22 $0.21
1 Pole Position $0.19 $0.13
3 Zoma the Spirit $0.13 $0.11
2 Skill Drain $0.27 $0.19
1 Gravity Bind $0.1 $0.34
2 Royal Oppression $10.38 $6.76
3 Imperial Custom $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Solemn Judgment $0.46 $0.55
1 Mist Wurm $2.14 $3.52
1 Colossal Fighter $0.2 $0.17
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend $0.89 $0.47
1 Light End Dragon $2.53 $1.49
1 Dark End Dragon $3.28 $5.07
1 Stardust Dragon $1.15 $0.44
1 Stardust Dragon $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Black Rose Dragon $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Arcanite Magician $0.99 $0.69
1 Goyo Guardian $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Tempest Magician $5.1 $5.83
1 Magical Android $19.71 $12.02
1 Ally of Justice Catastor $0.5 $0.4
1 Armory Arm $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Mystic Tomato $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Des Lacooda $0.2 $0.18
1 Card Destruction $0.19 $0.09
1 Magic Cylinder $0.29 $0.14
1 Wall of Revealing Light $0.68 $0.29
1 Metal Reflect Slime $0.14 $0.07
3 Fiendish Chain $0.2 $0.12
2 Anti-Spell Fragrance $0.11 $0.02
1 Cyber Shadow Gardna $0.1 $0.05
1 Call of the Haunted $0.09 $0.04

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