by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Yubel Decks Yugioh Deck

Azu deck

by Azu Karuii

Main: 38 Extra: 0 Side: 10

Banlist: 2024.09 TCG

1 Last Updated: 2024-09-11

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


Dueling Nexus staff keeps a list of top meta decks, you can see them by clicking the top decks button above. This deck was shared by one of our users.

Deck Description

I would like to thank Azu Karuii for sharing their deck with everyone. The article was created by Shiloh. Today I would like to share with you a deck called: Azu deck. No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the September 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-09-11.

Azu Karuii didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. Azu Karuii didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play.

This main deck has 38 cards.

I always use the Dueling Nexus deck editor to build my decks The shuffle button can be used to quickly see your opening hands.

Main [38] [15] [10] [10] [3]

Side [10] [2] [8]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
3 Yubel $0.81 $1.42
3 Elemental HERO Neos $0.2 $0.13
2 Neos Wiseman $0.74 $0.91
1 Effect Veiler $0.22 $0.21
2 D.D. Crow $0.3 $0.25
2 Earthbound Linewalker $0.09 $0.07
2 Mystical Space Typhoon $0.13 $0.07
1 Miracle Contact $0.18 $0.12
2 Forbidden Lance $0.18 $0.14
2 Dark Hole $0.16 $0.02
2 Cosmic Cyclone $0.15 $0.08
1 Swords of Revealing Light $0.12 $0.06
2 Paleozoic Dinomischus $0.15 $0.17
2 Treacherous Trap Hole $0.12 $0.22
2 Floodgate Trap Hole $0.16 $0.06
2 Needle Ceiling $0.26 $0.31
1 Karma Cut $5 $1.28
2 Miracle's Wake $0.16 $0.03
2 Mirror Force $0.52 $0.02
2 Magic Cylinder $0.29 $0.14
3 Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare $0.53 $0.83
3 Yubel - Terror Incarnate $0.65 $1.03
2 Yubel - The Loving Defender Forever $9.4 $7.21
2 Spirit of Yubel $1.53 $0.46

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