by Dueling Nexus in
Blue-Eyes Decks Buster Blader Decks Deck Profile Synchro Decks Yugioh Deck

Main [40] [7] [13] [1] [17] [2]

Extra [15] [2] [1] [11] [1]

Side [15] [2] [3] [1] [9]

How to play

Welcome to our Buster Blue-Eyes Synchro deck post CYAC! This deck is focused on bringing out high level synchro monsters such as Chaos Angel, Bystial Dis Pater and Baronne de Fleur. Then, you simply set your Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman trap card and victory is yours!

When your opponent has used all their disruption to break your wall of lvl 10 synchros, simply activate the trap card while having a Dragon-Type monster in your graveyard to instantly Buster-lock your opponent from using monster effects on the field for 2 rounds! It’s an instant win against most meta decks of the moment!


This deck uses low level synchro monsters to climb into your lvl 10 boss monsters. Route #1 is using Magicians’ Souls, Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman and Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon (search with The Melody of Awakening Dragon) to go into a lvl 10, while adding Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman and drawing up to +3 extra cards (will talk about drawing cards later). Route #2 is using Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman and Black Dragon Collapserpent (search with Chaos Space) to make Accel Synchron. Then, use its effect to increase its level by 1, and summon the White Dragon Wyverburster that you previously searched. 6+4 = 10, so there’s your lvl 10 + Buster-lock added to hand + a draw from Chaos Space + Jet Synchron in your grave that you can use for more plays. Route #3 is a mix of both and this route lets you draw up to +5 additional cards! Make Formula Synchron with Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman and Magicians’ Souls, then use Black Dragon Collapserpent (search with Chaos Space) to make Coral Dragon. Then search the counterpart of Black Dragon Collapserpent and make your level 10. This ends on Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman and + 5 drawn cards to continue your plays!

After building your first lvl 10 with your low level monsters, you can continue your plays if you have extenders. For example, Chaos Dragon Levianeer (search with The Melody of Awakening Dragon) is a free level 10 when you have Formula Synchron in grave.
Bystial Dis Pater allows you to re-use any monster you banished, so make sure to use him to bring back either lvl 1 tuners or lvl 8 monsters to continue your combos!


It’s always nice to discard The White Stone of Ancients to get a Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon during the End Phase. While the Buster-lock prevents your opponent from using monsters, it dies to ridiculous cards like Dark Hole. Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon has an insane synergy as it protects your walls of lvl 10 synchros and your Buster-lock while being super easy to summon from the deck!!

One of the small problems of the deck is when you draw Buster Blader, the Destruction Swordmaster AND/OR Destruction Sword Memories. Basically, you need these two cards in your deck, because Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman requires them to be in the deck to activate the Buster-lock. The trap is not that bad, cause you can discard it and send any other buster card instead. The monster tho, you need to use your brain to shuffle him back into the deck using Illusion of Chaos ( you can play two copies of Buster Blader, the Destruction Swordmaster, so it’s not needed to shuffle it back in reality, but it’s always nice to mention this mechanic because it’s pretty dope).

Ok this next play is the biggest discovery I made. Basically, you play Magicians’ Souls and Buster Whelp right.. So you can actually play Where Arf Thou! It is a bridge between both cards and it’s the card that holds the deck together without a doubt! Draw Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman + Where Arf Thou = Formula Synchron (draw 1+buster-lock live+lvl 2 tuner). And it goes both ways if you draw Magicians’ Souls and Where Arf Thou it works as well!


You can run Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit in the main deck cause it’s a light, so a Chaos Space target. It’s also a lvl 3 tuner so you can make Psychic End Punisher (INSANE WIN CONDITION BTW) with a lvl 8 monster.
Or you can also run Infinite Impermanence cause it’s a spell/trap so you can use Magicians’ Souls’ effect on it.

Side deck is pretty crazy. You’ve got Nibiru, the Primal Being and Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju that are both Chaos Space targets if you brick. Droll & Lock Bird is searchable with Where Arf Thou. Dimensional Barrier is searchable with Trap Trick.


This deck is NOT a bricky Blue-eyes deck. You have a total of 14 cards that have draw effects and you can easily draw +6 cards with a good hand. This gives you extenders, but also staples for more interruptions that aren’t monsters on the field (which is pretty neat).

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