by Dueling Nexus in
Bystial Runick Decks Deck Profile Yugioh Deck

Bystial Runick deck is based on the Bystial and Runick engines, combined with some support from Branded Despia in the form of Quem and Cartesia.

Main [40] [4] [20] [16]

Extra [15] [3] [1] [8] [3]

Let’s quickly go through the deck

We have a standard Bystial engine in this Brystal Runick deck, 3 Lubellions to search the Bystials and one of each name, including an extra of Saronir because it can dump Branded Regained to the GY. Then, we have our support from Branded Despia: The Bystial Aluber, Guiding Quem, and Blazing Cartesia. All are Level 4 tuners and in combination with either Hugin or the Bystials can make powerful synchros. Branded Regained, a powerful continuous spell, and Branded Beast, a less powerful continuous trap that can be used with Lubellion and Saronir to dump and bring back Branded Regained. Then we have Duality.

Duality gives us some more options

  • Turning Lubellion into Scarlight RDA
  • Making the Fabled Unicore to basically win

Alright! Let’s see a sample combo

Cards in hand: Quem, any Runick Spell, Lubellion

  • Normal Summon Quem, dumping Cartesia.
  • Discard Lubellion, searching Saronir.
  • Activate the Runick Spell, summoning Hugin, optionally adding Fountain.
  • This triggers Quem’s effect to Special Summon Cartesia from the Graveyard.
  • Now, you Synchro Summon with either Quem or Cartesia (it doesn’t matter) and Hugin, making Tri-Edge Master and drawing you a card.
  • Then, you can use the other Branded girl and Tri-Edge Master to make a level 10 synchro of your choice.
  • Once you’ve done that, you can activate Saronir, banishing Hugin or Quem to summon itself.
  • Activate Lubellion from the GY to tribute Saronir and summoning itself.
  • This triggers Saronir, dumping Branded Regained.
  • Now activate Lubellion to place Branded Beast onto the field.

In the End Phase, you can use Cartesia’s effect to add itself back to your hand, and use Branded Beast’s effect to place Branded Regained on the field for more shenanigans.

Optionally in this deck, you can play Granguignol the Dusk Dragon to use with Cartesia, and replace Duality with more copies of Cartesia. You can also remove the handtraps and replace them with something else.

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