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Deck Description
We here at Dueling Nexus would like to thank Pahua333 for sharing their deck with everyone. and also Nyx for writing this article. Welcome to a deck that I like to call Crystal Beast Edison Format. This is a edison deck. Edison decks can only contain cards released before March of 2010. Edison decks have to use pre-errata versions of cards whenever they are available. This deck uses the April 2010 Edison banlist. This deck was first shared on 2025-02-03 and was last updated on 2025-02-13.
Pahua333 didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. This deck is moderately easy to play.
I would also like to mention that the main deck has 42 cards.
I like to use the Dueling Nexus deck builder when creating my yugioh decks. You can use the shuffle button to see what your opening hand might be. Then you can make changes to the deck if you don't like what you see.