by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Yugioh Deck

Main [40] [3] [16] [21]

Extra [15] [3] [7] [5]

Side [15] [6] [2] [7]

This post will mainly outline the use of the cyber dragon deck and how useful they are against the superheavy samurai. In 2023 we have in this format very strong decks like kashtira, Sprite, Ruick and a new contender the Superheavy Samurai. Alot of these decks are extremely strong and hard to beat,

Superheavy Samurai cards are mostly machines so that already gives cyber dragons an advantage since cyber dragons have access to Chimeratech Fortress dragon, What makes Chimeratech fortress dragon interesting this format is because of his ability to be summoned by using your opponents board too as long as they are machines which in this case superheavy samurai are,

For those unfamiliar with cyber dragon its a strong rouge deck with amazing otk potiential and now with the release of clockwork night its gotten control potiential, main or side rivalry of the warlords and clockwork night create an instant hold on the game, if your opponent has a nice board they no longer do because one single cyber dragon can wipe it or leave them stuck not able to summon anymore.

For OTK your goal is to get chimeratech rampage dragon out as fast as possible along side cyber dragon sieger, if power bond was used for its summon that leaves rampage at 4200 attack with the ability to attack 3 times and on summon destroy backrow, adding siegers effect to give him another 2100 is a great way to get an OTK

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