by Dueling Nexus in
Dark Magician Decks Deck Profile Yugioh Deck

Hello everyone, this is my Dark Magician deck build. I’ve always been an avid dark magician player and looked through a ton of different deck combinations and this version feels very fun to play. The idea of the deck is to cycle through your own deck and use the dark magician + a very small Spellbook engine to do so. This Dark Magician deck has a few notable cards that let you draw cards.

Main [41] [3] [21] [3] [12] [2]

Extra [15] [4] [4] [7]

Drawing Cards

First card that lets you draw is Soul Servant, the first effect is that you can set one card that mentions dark magician in its text to the top of the deck. Also it’s grave yard effect lets you banish it, then you can draw cards up to the number of Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl, and Palladium monsters in your graveyard and on the field. (so theoretically up to 4, but we only run Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl and Palladium Oracle Mana).

Second we have Magicians’ Souls, which lets you pitch up to 2 spells or traps, drawing up to the number of cards you pitched. I also have one Metalfoe fusion in the deck, just for the pitching effect, as it let’s you shuffle it back into the deck and draw one card. We also run the Spellbook engine in order to draw more cards and cycle so you can find the right cards to find the answers needed.

How To Play – Dark Magician Deck

This deck is made for the long haul, you set up your cards in the graveyard and then you can draw extra cards with Soul Servant. Furthermore, you want to have Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl in the graveyard to special summon them with Eternal Soul and Magician’s Salvation. I only run 1 copy of Eternal Soul, as it’s drawback is nearly too big for its gain. I do enjoy going into Magician’s Salvation to set it from the deck, but you have to be careful not to chain anything to the activation of it, as the setting from the deck can miss its timing.

For a good turn one i would consider getting out one Dark Magician and one Dark Magician Girl. There are a few ways getting them out, one being “Bond Between Teacher and Student“, which lets you special summon a Dark Magician Girl from your deck and set a Dark Burning Attack from your deck, which can be activated the turn after. You also can opt to use the Secrets of Dark Magic to special summon the Dark Magicians. On death you can special summon a Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl from deck/hand or grave yard, setting up your next turn.

As Dark Magician is kind of bricky, I do not run any hand-traps or other cards, because I want to make the deck as consistent as possible. Sometimes it’s not possible to get through multiple interruptions, but if you get through the initial burst that a lot of decks these days have, you can dwindle your opponent down with your unrelenting summons.

Extra Deck

For the extra deck I am running Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon, a worthy boss monster for this archetype. Furthermore one Quintet Magician, just for opponents who like using Underworld Goddess of the Closed World or Kaijus, also being able to wipe the enemy board helps quite a bit. The non target banish from the Master of Chaos is great as well, I’ve had a friend play Horus recently, and just clearing the board without any way of him responding felt great.

Having a Dark Magician the Dragon Knight can win match-ups straight up as well, as you can create a little fortress between him and your spell cards, making it extremely hard for the enemy to break, especially as he counts as a Dark Magician in the field and the graveyard. He can be special summoned off of your Eternal Soul, also even though he’s quite easy to get above damage wise and you would most likely prefer summoning dragoon to him, he will always have a place in my heart for back in the day when my friends didn’t find a way around the fortress he creates.

A few generic XYZs are added into the bunch. I should probably swap them out for some generic link monsters, but those are the cards i used to play around 6 years ago, which makes me keep them.

The Black Luster Soldier – Soldier of Chaos is not bad either, as you usually can just use him along a dark magician to make him untargetable and non destructible.
Selene into Accesscode Talker feels quite self explanatory, as Accesscode is still a great way to clear the enemy board, even though you don’t have a lot of link monsters. You still will have quite a big beat-stick in the end.

Artemis is used to get Magician’s Rod into the graveyard, which has the effect that if you use a spell/trap in your opponents turn, you can tribute a Spellcaster (Artemis) and add the Magician’s Rod to your hand for the next turn.

In the near future, when Dragon Magia Master is released i will include fusion deployment and a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon into my deck. Then you will be able to summon this monster of a boss monster quite easily with your illusion of chaos and the secrets of dark magic.

Obviously you will not be able to compete with meta decks, aka Rescue ace but this deck is really fun to play casually.

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