This deck was uploaded by a Dueling Nexus user. We keep a curated list of the best yugioh decks available, to see it, simply click on the top decks button above.
Deck Description
I would like to thank STVROJAS for publishing this wonderful deck, and also Shiloh for this article. You can call this deck Dark Magician, because that is what it was named by the duelist who made it. This is a casual deck. A casual/fun deck, is not a top deck. Generally speaking it will be built without too many cards that negate effects, given that people that play them, want to experience the adversaries strategies at their fullest. This deck uses the April 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-07-08 and was last updated on 2024-12-24.
STVROJAS didn't specify if this deck is better at going first or second at the start of the duel. This is a Control deck. Control decks, which can often be stun and anti meta decks are capable of responding to large threats with minimal investment. They are inherently disruptive and have many layers of defense. This deck is difficult to play.
The main deck contains 40 cards.
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