by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Yugioh Deck

DarkSimorgh Control

by yatagx

Main: 40 Extra: 14 Side: 13

Banlist: 2024.12 TCG

2 Last Updated: 2025-03-22

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


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Deck Description

We would like to thank yatagx for producing this deck and Lorelei for writing the description. Welcome to a deck that I like to call DarkSimorgh Control. This is a edison deck. Edison decks can only contain cards released before March of 2010. Edison decks have to use pre-errata versions of cards whenever they are available. This deck uses the December 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2025-03-22.

This is an Aggro deck. Aggro decks have a high frequency of OTK's. OTK stands for One Turn Kill. They remove or devalue cards and have a linear playstyle. Aggro decks lack defense. This deck is moderately easy to play.

Deck list is available below. As you can see, in the main deck there are 40 cards.

Dueling Nexus has the most advanced deck builder in the whole world. Which is why I always use it when building decks. Shuffle button is great as it can show you what your opening hand might look like.

Main [40] [6] [12] [21] [1]

Extra [14] [12] [2]

Side [13] [4] [4] [2] [3]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
1 Elemental HERO Avian $0.17 $0.12
3 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Dark Horus $1 $0.2
2 Dark Simorgh $0.84 $0.19
1 Destiny HERO - Dasher $0.23 $0.23
2 Destiny HERO - Malicious $0.18 $0.13
2 Koa'ki Meiru Drago $0.72 $0.82
3 Red-Eyes Wyvern $1.19 $0.45
1 Elemental HERO Stratos $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Dark Grepher $2.07 $1.95
3 Armageddon Knight $0.11 $0.06
1 Plaguespreader Zombie $1.45 $0.1
1 Dark Armed Dragon $0.28 $0.24
1 Allure of Darkness $0.15 $0.1
1 Reinforcement of the Army $0.14 $0.03
2 Hidden Armory $0.12 $0.15
1 Card Destruction $0.19 $0.09
2 Gold Sarcophagus $0.13 $0.1
1 Foolish Burial $0.18 $0.09
1 Future Fusion $-0.01 $-0.01
3 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation $0.43 $0.28
2 Anti-Spell Fragrance $0.11 $0.02
1 Call of the Haunted $0.09 $0.04
1 Solemn Judgment $0.46 $0.55
1 Horn of Heaven $0.36 $0.43
1 Trap Dustshoot $8.2 $6.96
1 Five-Headed Dragon $0.87 $1.57
1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon $1.1 $1.12
1 Red Dragon Archfiend $0.77 $0.33
1 Colossal Fighter $0.2 $0.17
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend $0.89 $0.47
1 Dark End Dragon $3.28 $5.07
1 Stardust Dragon $1.15 $0.44
1 Black Rose Dragon $0.7 $0.54
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Goyo Guardian $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Iron Chain Dragon $6.86 $7.62
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Ally of Justice Catastor $0.5 $0.4
1 Armory Arm $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Evil HERO Malicious Edge $0.16 $0.16
1 Chaos Sorcerer $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Drill Warrior $0.53 $0.64
1 Junk Warrior $0.28 $0.13
1 One for One $0.18 $0.22
1 Heavy Storm $1.87 $0.1
1 Pot of Avarice $0.51 $0.25
1 Upstart Goblin $1.61 $1.71
1 Trap Stun $1.12 $0.36
1 Dust Tornado $0.27 $0.1
1 Anti-Spell Fragrance $0.11 $0.02
1 Mirror Force $0.52 $0.02

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