by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Swordsoul Decks Yugioh Deck

Deck Almaespada

by Solaire_osho

Main: 40 Extra: 15 Side: 0

Banlist: 2024.09 TCG

2 Last Updated: 2024-09-25

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


We keep an updated list of meta decks, you can access them by clicking on the button above. This deck was uploaded by a Dueling Nexus user.

Deck Description

I would like to give special thanks to Solaire_osho for producing their deck with us, and to Lorelei for this article. We have a deck profile that was named Deck Almaespada by the person who made it. No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the September 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-09-25.

Solaire_osho didn't specify if this deck is better at going first or second at the start of the duel. This is a Combo deck. Combo decks rely on 2+ card combinations and have high synergy. Furthermore this deck relies on having a lot of special summons. This deck is moderately easy to play.

The main deck for this yugioh deck conntains 40 cards.

Dueling Nexus has the best deck editor to create your yugioh decks. You should use the shuffle button inside the deck editor to see your opening hands.

Main [40] [5] [15] [20]

Extra [15] [9] [6]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
1 Effect Veiler $0.22 $0.21
2 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring $1.59 $1.87
2 Swordsoul Strategist Longyuan $0.48 $0.14
1 Fallen of Albaz $0.1 $0.17
1 Droll & Lock Bird $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Incredible Ecclesia, the Virtuous $2.54 $3.02
1 Swordsoul of Taia $0.29 $0.11
2 The Golden Swordsoul $0.09 $0.15
3 Swordsoul of Mo Ye $1.95 $0.81
2 Swordsoul Auspice Chunjun $0.1 $0.09
1 The Iris Swordsoul $0.12 $0.09
1 The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode $0.33 $0.78
1 Nibiru, the Primal Being $0.32 $0.66
1 The Abyss Dragon Swordsoul $0.13 $0.13
1 Lightning Storm $2.48 $0.02
1 Raigeki $2.28 $1.03
1 Harpie's Feather Duster $-0.01 $-0.01
2 Swordsoul Emergence $1.19 $0.14
2 Swordsoul Sacred Summit $0.19 $0.2
1 Swordsoul Punishment $0.07 $0.08
1 Pot of Duality $0.18 $0.2
1 Called by the Grave $0.2 $0.13
1 Forbidden Droplet $7.96 $4.87
1 Crossout Designator $2.64 $1
1 Foolish Burial $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Triple Tactics Talent $13.27 $4.88
1 Branded Fusion $0.43 $0.23
1 Evenly Matched $1.14 $1.35
2 Infinite Impermanence $1.86 $1.79
1 Solemn Judgment $0.46 $0.55
1 Swordsoul Blackout $0.05 $0.15
1 Sprind the Irondash Dragon $0.12 $0.11
1 Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon $0.27 $0.23
1 Swordsoul Grandmaster - Chixiao $0.8 $0.12
1 Ruddy Rose Dragon $0.93 $1.56
1 Swordsoul Sinister Sovereign - Qixing Longyuan $0.28 $0.12
1 Lubellion the Searing Dragon $0.16 $0.14
1 Brigrand the Glory Dragon $0.11 $0.08
1 Black Rose Moonlight Dragon $0.19 $0.3
2 Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying $0.81 $0.14
1 Draco Berserker of the Tenyi $0.16 $0.17
1 Albion the Branded Dragon $0.19 $0.16
1 Black Rose Dragon $0.7 $0.54
1 Adamancipator Risen - Dragite $0.25 $0.25
1 Alba-Lenatus the Abyss Dragon $0.15 $0.27

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