by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Yugioh Deck


by Almaras

Main: 40 Extra: 15 Side: 15

Banlist: 2024.09 TCG

1 Last Updated: 2025-02-05

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


This deck was created by one of our users. You can see a curated list of the best decks for the current banlist by clicking the button above.

Deck Description

I would like to thank Almaras for sharing their deck with everyone. The description was published by Petra. Thank you for visiting, let's go over this deck called: Dino . No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the Sep. 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-10-01 and was last updated on 2025-02-05.

Almaras didn't specify if this deck is better at going first or second at the start of the duel. Almaras didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. Almaras didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play.

This main deck has 40 cards.

I always use the Dueling Nexus deck creator to build my decks If you are ever curious what your opening hand might look like. Just press the shuffle button in the deck creator.

Main [40] [2] [16] [21] [1]

Extra [15] [6] [7] [2]

Side [15] [5] [5] [5]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
1 Frostosaurus $0.06 $0.11
2 Ultimate Conductor Tyranno $0.15 $0.14
1 Dinowrestler Pankratops $0.2 $0.1
1 Xeno Meteorus $0.37 $0.53
1 Nemeses Corridor $0.14 $0.14
1 Miscellaneousaurus $0.14 $0.16
3 Souleating Oviraptor $0.18 $0.11
1 Kaitoptera $0.48 $0.26
2 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring $1.59 $1.87
1 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit $0.57 $0.24
3 Babycerasaurus $0.12 $0.04
1 Petiteranodon $0.17 $0.18
1 Droll & Lock Bird $0.58 $0.76
1 Effect Veiler $0.22 $0.21
2 Animadorned Archosaur $0.15 $0.15
2 Lightning Storm $2.48 $0.02
2 Double Evolution Pill $0.18 $0.14
3 Fossil Dig $0.12 $0.07
1 Ground Xeno $5.19 $5.84
1 Pot of Prosperity $1.48 $1.9
1 Called by the Grave $0.2 $0.13
2 Book of Eclipse $0.21 $0.18
3 Crossout Designator $2.64 $1
1 Lost World $0.1 $0.11
2 Infinite Impermanence $1.86 $1.79
1 Thunder Dragon Colossus $0.21 $0.3
1 Horned Saurus $0.14 $0.12
1 Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis $30.92 $23.9
1 Evolzar Lars $2.12 $2.05
1 Evolzar Laggia $0.9 $1.13
1 Evolzar Dolkka $0.57 $1.39
1 Tornado Dragon $0.06 $0.08
1 Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir $0.46 $0.28
1 Abyss Dweller $0.08 $0.06
1 Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy $0.2 $0.22
1 S:P Little Knight $6.47 $7.99
1 Reprodocus $0.24 $0.28
1 Secure Gardna $0.36 $0.15
1 Relinquished Anima $3.94 $2.54
1 Salamangreat Almiraj $-0.01 $-0.01
3 Nibiru, the Primal Being $0.32 $0.66
2 Droll & Lock Bird $0.58 $0.76
1 Harpie's Feather Duster $-0.01 $-0.01
3 Cosmic Cyclone $0.15 $0.08
1 Secret Village of the Spellcasters $0.31 $0.27
2 Solemn Strike $0.23 $0.22
3 Solemn Judgment $0.46 $0.55

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