by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Yugioh Deck

Main [40] [7] [13] [2] [18]

Extra [15] [4] [1] [2] [8]

Side [15] [6] [6] [3]

How to play

This is my Great Double Casted Caster Turbo 2023 deck profile. While this appears to be a casual deck, this deck was optimized to the best of my ability for ranked play. The main win condition is in the name, ideally to get out the fusion monster The Great Double Casted Caster by turn and attack directly for game.

The effect of GDCC is that they gain the attack of the two non-effect monsters used to Fusion Summon them, and can attack directly without trigger. While you can use regular Normal monsters to summon GDCC, they only gain attack from the Extra Deck non-effect monsters. As of this profile’s writing, the 2 ED non-effect monsters with the highest attack are Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and The Master of Oz, with 4500 ATK and 4200 ATK respectively.

Now how do we summon these two monsters? The thing is, we don’t. The spell card Magicalized Fusion allows us to Fusion Summon a Spellcaster monster using materials on the field and in the GY. And how do we get those 2 ED monsters in the GY? Why, by using Dogmatika Maximus. 

The Dogmatika engine is used to get Maximus to hand as soon as feasibly possible, while the Predaplant engine, or the Predaplant Chimerafflesia sent to the GY via Maximus, can be used to get the Magicalized Fusion to hand. The Magicians’ Souls engine and the Adventure engine can both be used to summon a Linkuriboh or Link Spider respectively to be used to summon Secure Gardna; reason is to have a ED monster to be used to summon Maximus from hand. The DPE engine is there so that both the Predaplant engine and Chimerafflesia can have another target to get if Magicalized Fusion or Fusion Destiny are already in hand. 

Since this deck wants to go first, this deck is control turned OTK. Cards like Called By, Crossout, Imperm, and Judgement are generically good cards that can be used on any turn order. In a match, cards like Secret Village and Dimensional Barrier can be used going first, and cards like Lava Golem, Herald of the Abyss, and Evenly Matched can be used going second.

TLDR: Make Great Double Casted Caster with Magicalized Fusion using Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and Master of Oz, and attack directly for game.

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