by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Edison Decks Yugioh Deck

Main [40] [6] [12] [22]

Extra [15] [14] [1]

Side [15] [6] [1] [8]


This Edison Tyler Turbo deck functions with multiple Edison engines attached to it. The main ones being Quickdraw Dandy (Quickdraw Synchron/Dandylion) and having Kuraz The Light Monarch thrown in. All of this is designed to aid in the summoning of Tyler the Great Warrior; why, you may ask? Well Tyler is a pretty solid boss monster both in stats (3000 ATK: more than any conventional Synchro in the format) and in effect (being able to burn off destruction a-la Flame Wingman).

One of the main benefits of the deck is field presence; Spirit Reaper and Marshmallon both allow for stalling, but beyond that the usage of Dandy and Quickdraw allows for almost instant pluses off their interactions and the use of Drill Warrior as a supreme source of recursion for the deck, letting us recycle anything from the grave into the hand. Level Eater is especially cool for what this deck is trying to do: we can send it to the grave for Quickdraw’s cost or do so directly via Armageddon Knight if required. Eater in turn can be easily cheesed out with the usage of Metal Reflect Slime as it is a instant level 10 with no investment required. The Eater’s can then be used for additional tributing off that, or fodder for Kuraz so that we make additional draws.

The backrow of the deck is fairly simple and mostly consist of staples. Stuff like Enemy Controller is useful with how much monster presence we have, Scapegoat is useful as synergy with Kuraz/Plaguespreader, etc etc. The main big thing is from throwing in some field spells, namely Mausoleum (to cheat out the Tribute Summons) and Black Garden (slows down the game, further synergy with Kuraz as we can pop tokens made or the field spell itself).

All in all while Tyler Turbo definitely isn’t a particularly significant threat for most well-ironed Edison decks, it’s a pretty solid casual option that takes advantage of a couple of bright spots to make something pretty unique in playstyle.

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