It’s an oldie but a goodie! Exodia Turbo FTK doesn’t need an introduction, but maybe an..
Your primary goal is to get the five pieces of Exodia the Forbidden One, whose effect allows you to win the duel instantly.
Unlike most exodia decks that would use the bamboo engine to draw into cards, we are going to use synchro monsters using the Treasure Panda engine, which is a fairly simple…
With at least one (preferably 2-3) Spell Cards in your hand, Normal Summon Summoner Monk, activating its effect to discard a Spell Card and then summon Treasure Panda.
Using Treasure Panda‘s effect, you can banish up to 3 Spells in your graveyard to summon a normal monster of an equal level.
you can summon a piece of Exodia and a copy of Flamvell Guard to synchro summon Formula Synchron to draw a card using two Spell Cards.
Repeating this as much as possible (up to 3 times) could fill your board. If you can summon Formula Synchron multiple times, you would also be able to summon T.G. Hyper Librarian, which would allow you to draw once for every synchro summon you make.
Synchro monsters you can make include
Ravenous Crocodragon Archethys: Draw a card for every material used for its summon
F.A. Dawn Dragster: Negating spells
Tatsunoko: You can use this card as well as a card from your hand to synchro summon (including cards on the field)
and Stardust Charge Warrior: Allows for a free draw
Repeatedly summoning cards and thinning your deck to draw into Exodia the Forbidden One is only part one. You can use the Spell Card Dark Factory of Mass Production, which allows you to Target 2 Normal Monsters in your GY and add them to your hand.
Using all your copies will allow you to bring back 6 cards, 4 of which should be copies of your Exodia pieces.
Outside of synchro, summoning the Spells you can access will help immensely.
Cards of Consonance allows you to draw two cards, and Tri-Wight lets you summon 3 normal monsters from your graveyard, which, with your copies of White Elephant’s Gift, can allow you to draw up to 6 cards.
Saryuja Skull Dread can allow you to place dead or useless cards back into the deck and draw more, and Enchanting Fitting Room can potentially Special Summon your normal monsters as well as being another Spell Card to activate Treasure Panda.
Drawing through your deck to get that explosive EXODIA OBLITERATEEEEE!