by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Floowandereeze Decks Yugioh Deck

Floowandereeze Deck - 2024.01 OCG Wuhan Fantasy Corps 1st Place

by Ultimate-Lord

Main: 54 Extra: 15 Side: 0

Banlist: 2024.09 TCG

10 Last Updated: 2024-11-02

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


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Deck Description

This here deck was uploaded by Ultimate-Lord. While the article for this here yugioh deck was written by Lorelei. We have here a deck called Floowandereeze Deck - 2024.01 OCG Wuhan Fantasy Corps 1st Place . This is a ocg deck. OCG decks can only be used in OCG duels. This deck uses the September 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-11-02.

This is a Midrange deck. Midrange decks have a moderate levels of searching and disruptions. They have simple, consistent and powerful plays, however their monsters aren't as powerful as in Aggro decks. This deck is relatively easy to play.

The full deck profile can be seen below. 54 cards are in the main deck.

I always use the Dueling Nexus deck builder to build my decks With the shuffle button you can see what your opening hands may be like.

Main [54] [8] [15] [31]

Extra [15] [4] [6] [2] [3]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
3 Floowandereeze & Snowl $0.25 $0.23
3 Floowandereeze & Empen $0.22 $0.22
3 Raiza the Mega Monarch $0.24 $0.36
3 Mist Valley Apex Avian $0.41 $0.56
3 Dimension Shifter $0.26 $0.28
3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring $1.4 $1.76
1 Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion $0.29 $0.29
3 Floowandereeze & Eglen $0.66 $1.02
3 Floowandereeze & Stri $0.09 $0.06
3 Floowandereeze & Robina $0.8 $1.48
3 Floowandereeze & Toccan $0.07 $0.05
1 Terraforming $0.2 $0.1
3 Pot of Duality $0.18 $0.2
1 Called by the Grave $0.18 $0.12
1 Crossout Designator $2.33 $0.55
3 Floowandereeze and the Advent of Adventure $0.22 $0.86
3 Floowandereeze and the Unexplored Winds $0.38 $0.16
3 Floowandereeze and the Magnificent Map $0.55 $0.87
2 Infinite Impermanence $1.59 $1.61
3 Floowandereeze and the Dreaming Town $0.19 $0.14
3 Floowandereeze and the Scary Sea $0.11 $0.06
1 Garura, Wings of Resonant Life $0.33 $0.75
2 Elder Entity N'tss $0.22 $0.32
1 PSY-Framelord Omega $0.15 $0.12
1 Golden Cloud Beast - Malong $0.2 $0.16
1 Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis $28.69 $23.76
1 Mereologic Aggregator $0.78 $0.62
1 Downerd Magician $0.16 $0.11
1 Lyrilusc - Recital Starling $0.13 $0.15
1 Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale $0.26 $0.24
1 Number F0: Utopic Future $0.19 $0.18
1 Underworld Goddess of the Closed World $0.26 $0.51
1 S:P Little Knight $5.79 $7.79
1 Tri-Brigade Ferrijit the Barren Blossom $1.25 $2.55
1 Relinquished Anima $4.03 $2.54

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