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Deck Description
Dueling Nexus user masterpica uploaded this deck with everyone, while this description was published by Shiloh. Today I would like to share with you a deck called: Horus Control xxxxxxxxxxxxx. This is a casual deck. Casual decks should be fun to duel with. Fun decks are more based on luck or on starting with a good hand than on actual strategy. This deck uses the December 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-12-26.
I like to go first at the start of the duel whenever possible with this deck. This is a Control deck. Control decks, which can often be stun and anti meta decks are capable of responding to large threats with minimal investment. They are inherently disruptive and have many layers of defense. This deck is very easy to play.
There are exactly 40 cards in the main deck.
I create all my decks using the Dueling Nexus deck editor because its the best one. You can use the shuffle button to see what your opening hand might be. Then you can make changes to the deck if you don't like what you see.