by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Inzektor Decks Yugioh Deck

Main [40] [1] [11] [28]

Extra [15] [10] [5]

How To play

Welcome to Inzektor, it’s a deck I have been using  for a bit over a month. it’s honestly pretty fun but I wouldn’t suggest taking it to ranked as it has a super obvious choke point in Dragonfly.

How to play: Inzektors main aim is to link spam; it does this via both Inzektor Dragonfly and Inzektor Centipede since both summoning/searching effects are not a once per turn. Any hand that has both a Centipede/Dragonfly and and equippe like Ladybug can usually end on a board of Apollusa,Invincible Atlas and either fly and sting or Cidada king depending if u think you’ll need more monster negates best case hands can also end on a photon bounzer.

What to do if you don’t find 1/2 of what u need: Like most decks not every hand is going to be playable but thankfully the Inzektors were given 2 cards in the past 5 years to make that happen less frequently both the Inzektor link Pico and the new Inzektor spell strike help the deck like none other. In cases where u draw only Dragonfly/Centipede + 2 extenders which beetroopers are mainly. can still be full combo thanks to pico which lets you equip either Ladybug if you’re going first or Hornet if you’re going second and the opposite where u draw only say ladybug and the new spell thats still full combo since the spell can summon any inzektor from deck.

Worst case hands: Now this is a unfortunate weakness of Inzektors in hands where u dont any Inzektor cards your boards really won’t do anything since at point you’re pretty much just playing a bad beetrooper build depending on extenders you’ll probably just end or Cidada King or at atlas at best in those cases its best to pray to the bee god himself Jerry Seinfeld and hope your opponent shows mercy

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