This deck was published by a Dueling Nexus user. We keep a curated list of the best yugioh decks available, to see it, simply click on the top decks button above.
Deck Description
This deck was brought to you by a Dueling Nexus user who goes by the name ThatGuy and the article was created by Shiloh. The name of this deck profile is marchiato. This is a casual deck. Casual or fun decks have no intention to compete. Sometimes they can be created just for aesthetics. Such as cute, terrifying or elegant. This deck uses the April 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-07-18.
This is a Combo deck. Combo decks rely on 2+ card combinations and have high synergy. Furthermore this deck relies on having a lot of special summons. This deck is moderately easy to play.
The main deck contains 50 cards.
Dueling Nexus has the best deck builder to create your yugioh decks. You should use the shuffle button inside the deck builder to see your opening hands.