by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Ninja Decks Yugioh Deck

Main [40] [8] [12] [20]

Extra [15] [6] [2] [7]

Side [15] [3] [1] [11]


This is my version of the Ninja deck! The deck serves two functions through either controlling the field or OTK’ing. While other fusion based decks are its main obstacle to overcome (because they don’t care about getting flipped), it holds its own against other top meta contenders, like Kashtira and Spright, with relative ease.

How To Play

The main strategy is to set as much disruption as possible on your turn and then play everything out on your opponents turn, to be able to OTK your following turn through either spammed out ninjas or through Borrelsword Dragon.


Your go to monsters are Grandmaster Hanzo, Mitsu, and Tobari each playing crucial roles to get to your boss, ‘Meizen the Battle Ninja‘. 

Hanzo: easily the best starter in terms of accessing your key resources as well as facilitating combos through ‘Baku the Beast Ninja’ and ‘Mitsu the Insect Ninja’

Mitsu: easily the best extender since all you need is another ninja on field to special summon her from hand, also a key card in terms of disruption since she has a monster negate that only requires her and another face down ninja. I should also note that Mitsu allows you to get into your 3000 ATK Insect Fusion when equipped with Iron Digger.

Tobari: another excellent extender type card that has a few different combos depending on who you choose to special summon through her effect. For example: special summoning Hanzo allows you to then get Baku as mentioned above, or special summoning Kagero lets you get Tobari back for a free Ninja Fusion, but all of that is overshadowed by her quick fusion effect which allows for major disruption on your opponents turn!

Other important monsters include ‘Jioh the Gravity Ninja’ which is easily special summonable through either Meizen or dancing leaves and will permanently Book of Moon two monsters, Green Ninja which is another extender and offers its own book of moon effect, and my own special sauce ‘Yellow Ninja’ which allows for more extension and easy rank 4 plays.

Spells and Traps

As for spells and traps, the mvp’s are easily ‘Ninjitsu Art Notebook of Mystery’ and ‘Ninjitsu Art of Dancing Leaves’. Besides your main spell and traps you generally run 2-3 Book of Moon and whatever other staples and board breakers you want to tech in since there really is a lot of wiggle room

Notebook: allows you to play on your opponents turn as long as they control any card. it will let you get one ninja and or one Ninjitsu card from your deck and grave but only one from each. The plays from this card are too many to list.

Dancing Leaves: more disruption since you can easily book an opponents monster and tribute them with dancing leaves. Also extremely useful ability to recycle used Ninjitsu traps that are stuck on the field.

Other useful Ninjitsu cards include Duplication which will spam the field and set you up for your bigger plays, Iron Digger which while equipped to an opponents monster lets you tribute them off with Dancing Leaves as well as boosts your own monsters attack. My favourite play with this is getting out Borrelsword while Meizen is on the field and since Iron Digger makes the equipped monster a ninja you can attack directly with Meizen and then after activating Borrelsword, attack two more times for game!

Extra Deck

Outside of the mandatory 3-3 ninja fusions, and two Saizo, you have a lot of freedom with what you wanna do here. You can make it more XYZ based or more Link based. In my opinion its best to go with more links here with just a few XYZ but the main deck can certainly be changed around a bit if you wanna go the overlay route.

Yagaromaru is (besides Meizen) the best card in the extra deck as it allows for super easy disruption and since its a machine you can keep comboing off with him as material for either Meizen or Saizo. speaking of Saizo, he is a Link 2 warrior (keep that in mind since you do have a lot of other warriors and your fusions require different types) which allows you to set a Ninjitsu art from deck. terrific card. and There is the man himself, Meizen! Your main play maker, allowing you to special summon from deck (usually either Jioh or Tobari) and pop off from there. he is also your main OTK engine allowing for every ninja to attack directly.

Honorable mentions include Blade Armor Ninja, a rank 4 warrior which allows for more easy OTK’s with Meizen since she lets one ninja make two attacks, Borrelsword which i went over a bit earlier, and ‘Underworld Goddess of the Closed World’ which allows you to get over certain cards like Dragoon since you can use an opponents monster for its summon!

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