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Deck Description
Thank you to Katze1Punkt0 for publishing this amazing deck, and also Lorelei for writing this description. Today I would like to share with you a deck called: Casual Pure Malefic. This is a casual deck. Most fun or casual decks will be made avoiding cards that negate effects or discard opponent's entire hands because it goes against it's intention to be super casual and to see how a deck strategy behaves from start to end. This deck uses the April 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-08-22.
Katze1Punkt0 didn't specify if this deck is better at going first or second at the start of the duel. This is an Aggro deck. Aggro decks have a high frequency of OTK's. OTK stands for One Turn Kill. They remove or devalue cards and have a linear playstyle. Aggro decks lack defense. This deck is relatively easy to play.
The full list is available below, as you can see, the main deck has 40 cards.
I highly recommend using the Dueling Nexus deck editor as it's by far the best one. You can use the shuffle button to see what your opening hand might be. Then you can make changes to the deck if you don't like what you see.
Deck Breakdown
Main Deck
Extra Deck
Archetype Breakdown
Deck List
# | Name | TCGPlayer | Cardmarket |
3 | Malefic Paradigm Dragon | $0.26 | $0.15 |
3 | Malefic Stardust Dragon | $2.21 | $2.78 |
3 | Malefic Cyber End Dragon | $0.17 | $0.39 |
3 | Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon | $0.26 | $0.21 |
3 | Malefic Paradox Gear | $0.21 | $0.12 |
3 | Malefic Parallel Gear | $0.54 | $0.84 |
3 | Blue-Eyes White Dragon | $0.06 | $0.02 |
3 | Malefic Territory | $0.19 | $0.14 |
3 | Malefic World | $0.97 | $0.84 |
1 | Terraforming | $0.2 | $0.1 |
1 | One for One | $0.2 | $0.18 |
1 | Upstart Goblin | $1.79 | $1.71 |
3 | Allure of Darkness | $0.15 | $0.08 |
3 | Trade-In | $0.06 | $0.06 |
3 | Infinite Impermanence | $1.98 | $1.99 |
1 | Skill Drain | $0.28 | $0.19 |
3 | Malefic Paradox Dragon | $4.12 | $1.47 |
3 | Stardust Dragon | $1.17 | $0.44 |
3 | Cyber End Dragon | $0.17 | $0.02 |
2 | Timelord Progenitor Vorpgate | $0.63 | $1.44 |
2 | Dragocytos Corrupted Nethersoul Dragon | $0.62 | $1.46 |
2 | Geomathmech Final Sigma | $0.12 | $0.02 |
1 | The Melody of Awakening Dragon | $0.08 | $0.1 |
1 | Foolish Burial | $0.2 | $0.03 |
1 | Malefic Truth Dragon | $0.39 | $0.19 |
2 | Lightning Storm | $2.46 | $0.02 |