by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Yugioh Deck

Numeron + Hand Traps Going Second (Insanely Powerful)

by JokerFan420

Main: 40 Extra: 15 Side: 13

Banlist: 2024.04 TCG

85 Last Updated: 2024-04-29

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


You can get one of our top decks by clicking on the top decks button above. This deck was shared by one of our users.

Deck Description

We would like to thank JokerFan420 for sharing their deck with the public. The article was created by Nyx. Welcome to a deck that I like to call Numeron + Hand Traps Going Second (Insanely Powerful). No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the April 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-04-29.

JokerFan420 didn't specify if this deck is better at going first or second at the start of the duel. JokerFan420 didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. JokerFan420 didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play.

The main deck contains 40 cards.

The Dueling Nexus deck builder is by far the best and easiest to use deck builder in the world. I highly suggest using the shuffle button before you duel with this deck. This way you can see your potential opening hands.

Main [40] [3] [15] [22]

Extra [15] [6] [9]

Side [13] [7] [6]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
3 Lava Golem $0.27 $0.1
3 Planet Pathfinder $0.09 $0.07
3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring $-0.01 $-0.01
3 Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion $-0.01 $-0.01
3 Numeron Wall $0.12 $0.14
3 Droll & Lock Bird $0.6 $0.67
3 Effect Veiler $0.21 $0.21
2 Lightning Storm $2.67 $0.02
1 One Day of Peace $1.18 $1.73
1 Terraforming $0.21 $0.13
2 Numeron Calling $0.14 $0.18
3 Memories of Hope $0.23 $0.32
3 Small World $0.3 $0.62
3 Numeron Network $0.26 $0.13
3 Infinite Impermanence $1.88 $1.99
1 Number C1: Numeron Chaos Gate Sunya $0.14 $0.27
2 Number 4: Numeron Gate Catvari $0.19 $0.08
2 Number 1: Numeron Gate Ekam $0.2 $0.14
2 Number 2: Numeron Gate Dve $0.19 $0.12
2 Number 3: Numeron Gate Trini $0.2 $0.13
1 Underworld Goddess of the Closed World $0.26 $0.48
1 Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax $0.15 $0.07
1 Saryuja Skull Dread $2.93 $0.44
1 Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess $0.25 $0.56
1 Infinitrack Fortress Megaclops $0.79 $1.28
1 Relinquished Anima $3.57 $2.54
1 Chaos Hunter $0.24 $0.18
1 Artifact Lancea $0.46 $0.28
1 Skull Meister $0.1 $0.07
1 Gravekeeper's Commandant $0.45 $0.77
1 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit $0.55 $0.25
1 Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Harpie's Feather Duster $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Dark Hole $0.16 $0.02
1 Gravekeeper's Inscription $8.7 $5.46
1 Hey, Trunade! $0.16 $0.14
1 Cosmic Cyclone $0.14 $0.1
1 Limiter Removal $0.09 $0.06
1 Necrovalley $0.6 $0.99

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