Dueling Nexus keeps a list of top decks at all times, you can access it by clicking the button above. This deck was uploaded by one of our users.
Deck Description
We would like to thank TheChazz for sharing their deck with the public. The article was created by Lorelei. This here deck was named Omni HERO by the person who created it. No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the September 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-12-04 and was last updated on 2024-12-05.
TheChazz didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. TheChazz didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play.
The full deck profile can be seen below. 40 cards are in the main deck.
I highly recommend you open this deck on the Dueling Nexus deck builder. Pressing the shuffle button will show you what your opening hand may be like.