by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Rikka Decks Yugioh Deck

Main [42] [4] [17] [18] [3]

Extra [15] [10] [5]

Side [15] [9] [3] [3]

How to play

This deck is a Rikka Sun deck that replaces some tech options with a Brave Token engine. It adds on an extra omni-negate and bounce to the combo, while only taking away a couple of your normal summons (Loci + Petal + Lonefire -> Loci).

This Rikka Sun deck uses the normal summon of Loci to trigger Fateful Adventure, unless there is a need to use Unexpected Dai, then use the special summon of Dryas to trigger it again and just make it chain link 2.

The Rikka Sun deck aims to end with Teardrop, Resurgent, Hyperyton, Gryphon Rider, and the token. It is a 2 card combo for a tribute, a monster bounce, a monster negate with a potential spell negate, an omni-negate, a bounce for turn 2/3, and a negate + tribute with Princess in grave.


The only handtraps that this Rikka Sun deck uses are Ash and Imperm. If I open any of the Rikka backrow, It end with Sheet too, which is a negate and a potential steal.

Side deck

In the side deck there is Avarice for more grindy games, and then basic side options. Could be a good idea to use cards like Evil Thorns and Copy Plant for giving some easy extra deck material. Strenna and a third Dryas could be added too. It’s only technically need 2 Dryas for the combo, and it can make the only other Xyz normally. It’s also possible to replace one of the side three of cards for some one-of’s to support grind games more, because that’s mostly where the deck lacks. It might be solved by a second Sewing, a third Princess, and a Feather Duster. There’s a possible issue, handtraps.

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