We keep an updated list of meta decks, you can access them by clicking on the button above. This deck was uploaded by a Dueling Nexus user.
Deck Description
This deck has been published by GreenRandom using the Dueling Nexus deck editor. While this article was created by Shiloh. We have a deck profile that was named Romin - Psychic Beat Rush Battle by the person who made it. This is a rush deck. Rush decks can only be used in Rush duels. This deck uses the December 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-12-11.
GreenRandom didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. GreenRandom didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play.
As you can see below, the main deck has exactly 40 cards.
I always use the Dueling Nexus deck creator to build my decks I always use the shuffle button to test my opening hands before I test the deck in a duel.
Deck Breakdown
Main Deck
Extra Deck
Archetype Breakdown
Deck List
# | Name | TCGPlayer | Cardmarket |
1 | Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Esperade the Smashing Superstar | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Giftarist | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
2 | Romic n' Roller | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Berry Bassist | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
3 | Psy Stage Bouncer | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
3 | Telepathic Agent | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Silent Assailant | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Peace Holder | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
2 | Amusi Performer | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
2 | Concert Costume Creator | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Dream Drummer | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
2 | Keytar Kid | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
2 | Watangel | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
2 | Wattkiss | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Romanpick | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Endoll | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
3 | Howlingbird | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Blades of Divine Wind | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Climax Finale | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Psychic Burial | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Stop Defense | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Powerful Pierce!! | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Lullabind | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Psychic Introduction | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Psychic Trap Hole | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Severing Psychic Wall | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |
1 | Double Block | $-0.01 | $-0.01 |