by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Runick Decks Yugioh Deck

Runick Stun


Main: 40 Extra: 15 Side: 15

Banlist: 2024.04 TCG

65 Last Updated: 2024-09-06

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


To access the current top decks, simply click on the button above. This deck was uploaded by a Dueling Nexus user.

Deck Description

Dueling Nexus user ROOS published this deck with everyone, while this description was published by Dimitri. Dueling Nexus Players, welcome, this deck is called Runick Stun. This is a meta deck. A metadeck is one that works with harmony between it's cards and has the potential to beat most of the opponents. They are commonly used by players in competitions or tournaments. This deck uses the Apr. 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-08-05 and was last updated on 2024-09-06.

I like to go first at the start of the duel whenever possible with this deck. This is a Control deck. Control decks, which can often be stun and anti meta decks are capable of responding to large threats with minimal investment. They are inherently disruptive and have many layers of defense. This deck is relatively easy to play.

The full list is available below, as you can see, the main deck has 40 cards.

Dueling Nexus yugioh deck builder is the best deck builder in the world and I use it to create all my yugioh decks. You should use the shuffle button inside the yugioh deck builder to see your opening hands.

Main [40] [9] [29] [2]

Extra [15] [1] [2] [12]

Side [15] [5] [3] [7]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
2 Amano-Iwato $0.7 $0.02
2 Runick Fountain $0.51 $0.87
3 Runick Tip $1.09 $3.67
3 Runick Freezing Curses $0.46 $0.51
3 Runick Flashing Fire $0.51 $0.62
3 Runick Destruction $0.36 $0.43
3 Runick Slumber $0.13 $0.15
1 Runick Golden Droplet $0.15 $0.21
2 Pot of Desires $0.25 $0.02
3 Pot of Duality $0.18 $0.13
1 Runick Dispelling $0.1 $0.1
1 Card of Demise $1.26 $1.59
1 Terraforming $0.2 $0.13
1 Runick Smiting Storm $0.14 $0.08
2 Time-Tearing Morganite $2.27 $1.16
1 Skill Drain $0.27 $0.2
1 There Can Be Only One $0.11 $0.08
1 Rivalry of Warlords $0.13 $0.11
1 Gozen Match $0.51 $0.88
2 Synchro Zone $1.12 $2
3 Tyrant's Tirade $1.02 $0.41
3 Hugin the Runick Wings $1 $2
2 Munin the Runick Wings $0.2 $0.14
2 Geri the Runick Fangs $0.22 $0.2
3 Freki the Runick Fangs $0.08 $0.13
1 S:P Little Knight $6.38 $7.81
1 Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis $28.29 $26.11
2 Sleipnir the Runick Mane $0.72 $1.37
3 Dimension Shifter $0.26 $0.28
2 Inspector Boarder $0.1 $0.09
3 Cosmic Cyclone $0.16 $0.1
2 Grave of the Super Ancient Organism $0.11 $0.13
3 Dark Bribe $0.26 $0.37
2 Lava Golem $0.28 $0.1

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