This deck was uploaded by a Dueling Nexus user. We keep a list of the latest meta and tournament decks. To access it, please use the button above.
Deck Description
This deck has been brought to you by B1u3Nova using the Dueling Nexus deck editor. While this description was brought to you by Petra. B1u3Nova calls this deck Ryzeal . This is a meta deck. Every season, there's different decks that are called "meta". They are called like this because they had a high success rate for said season. They usually contain versatile and useful cards that allow players to have a higher chance of winning. This deck uses the Dec. 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2025-01-18.
I like to go first at the start of the duel whenever possible with this deck. This is a Midrange deck. Midrange decks have a moderate levels of searching and disruptions. They have simple, consistent and powerful plays, however their monsters aren't as powerful as in Aggro decks. This deck is relatively easy to play.
The entire list of cards is available below, the main deck has 40 cards.
I prefer using the Dueling Nexus Yu-Gi-Oh! deck creator to make all my decks. Pressing the shuffle button will show you what your opening hand may be like.