by Dueling Nexus in
Abyss- Decks Deck Profile Yugioh Deck

Sea Serpent

by JokerZ

Main: 60 Extra: 15 Side: 0

Banlist: 2024.04 TCG

41 Last Updated: 2024-06-13

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


This deck was created by a Dueling Nexus user. We keep a curated list of the best yugioh decks available, to see it, simply click on the top decks button above.

Deck Description

We here at Dueling Nexus would like to thank JokerZ for sharing their deck with everyone. and also Petra for writing this article. Dueling Nexus Players, welcome, this deck is called Sea Serpent. No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the Apr. 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-06-13.

JokerZ didn't specify if this deck is better at going first or second at the start of the duel. JokerZ didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. JokerZ didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play.

The entire list of cards is available below, the main deck has 60 cards.

I have many yugioh decks and I built most of them using the Dueling Nexus deck creator because its my favourite one. The shuffle button is a quick way to see many possible opening hands before you even take this deck to a duel.

Main [60] [9] [17] [34]

Extra [15] [2] [6] [7]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
1 Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord $0.27 $0.13
2 Mermail Abyssmegalo $0.25 $0.17
3 Mermail Abyssteus $0.09 $0.07
2 Icejade Ran Aegirine $1.19 $0.5
1 Lappis Dragon $0.27 $0.19
3 Atlantean Dragoons $0.08 $0.06
3 Denko Sekka $0.15 $0.16
1 Mermail Abysspike $7.64 $10.98
1 Barrier Statue of the Torrent $0.79 $0.76
2 Silent Sea Nettle $0.48 $0.31
1 Mermail Abyssgunde $0.94 $1.38
1 Atlantean Marksman $0.71 $0.1
3 Deep Sea Minstrel $0.33 $0.13
2 Deep Sea Diva $0.13 $0.02
2 Atlantean Heavy Infantry $0.76 $0.1
3 Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince $0.09 $0.02
3 D.D. Crow $0.3 $0.25
1 Harpie's Feather Duster $-0.01 $-0.01
2 Moray of Greed $0.97 $1.34
2 Triple Tactics Talent $13.27 $4.88
3 Dark Ruler No More $0.31 $0.35
2 Icejade Cradle $0.14 $0.12
2 Pot of Avarice $0.51 $0.25
2 Deep Sea Aria $0.16 $0.21
2 Called by the Grave $0.2 $0.13
1 Abyss-scale of the Mizuchi $0.26 $0.19
3 Infinite Impermanence $1.86 $1.79
3 Evenly Matched $1.14 $1.35
3 Dark Bribe $0.26 $0.33
1 Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier $1.46 $1.32
1 Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying $0.81 $0.14
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier $0.12 $0.08
1 Ravenous Crocodragon Archethys $0.41 $0.22
1 Adamancipator Risen - Dragite $0.25 $0.25
1 White Aura Whale $0.5 $1.21
1 Deep Sea Prima Donna $0.15 $0.16
1 Bahamut Shark $0.13 $0.26
1 Number 4: Stealth Kragen $0.75 $0.12
2 Stealth Kragen Spawn $0.66 $0.8
1 Abyss Dweller $0.08 $0.06
1 Toadally Awesome $0.22 $0.52
1 Marincess Coral Anemone $0.18 $0.26
1 Mermail Abyssalacia $0.26 $0.33

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