by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Yugioh Deck


by Sn18c

Main: 40 Extra: 0 Side: 12

Banlist: 2024.09 TCG

7 Last Updated: 2024-11-11

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


Please use the top decks button to see our full list of curated meta decks. This deck was uploaded by one of our users.

Deck Description

Thank you to Sn18c for producing this amazing deck, and also Shiloh for writing this description. The duelist who made this deck calls it Sn18C-Jar. This is a ocg deck. OCG decks can only be used in OCG duels. This deck uses the September 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-10-28 and was last updated on 2024-11-11.

I like to go first at the start of the duel whenever possible with this deck. This is an Aggro deck. Aggro decks have a high frequency of OTK's. OTK stands for One Turn Kill. They remove or devalue cards and have a linear playstyle. Aggro decks lack defense. This deck is very difficult to play.

You can see the full deck list under the article, the main deck has exactly 40 cards.

I always use the Dueling Nexus deck creator to build my decks You can use the shuffle button to see your opening hand.

Main [40] [3] [34] [3]

Side [12] [12]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
1 Des Koala $0.22 $0.16
2 Morphing Jar #2 $0.26 $0.3
2 Dragged Down into the Grave $0.12 $0.02
1 One Day of Peace $1.18 $1.83
2 Book of Taiyou $0.44 $0.23
1 Card of Sanctity $0.27 $0.07
1 Gold Moon Coin $0.1 $0.08
2 A Feather of the Phoenix $0.29 $0.21
1 Reasoning $0.18 $0.14
3 Upstart Goblin $1.79 $1.71
1 Card Destruction $0.22 $0.06
2 Dark World Dealings $0.25 $0.23
2 Card of Fate $0.14 $0.19
2 Magical Mallet $0.67 $1.01
1 Into the Void $0.37 $0.2
3 Magical Stone Excavation $0.31 $0.14
1 Pot of Duality $0.18 $0.13
1 Book of Moon $0.19 $0.1
1 Reload $0.15 $0.1
3 Book of Lunar Eclipse $0.17 $0.26
1 Book of Eclipse $0.25 $0.16
2 Hand Destruction $0.58 $0.2
1 Card Trader $0.15 $0.1
3 All-Out Attacks $0.19 $0.06
1 Dragged Down into the Grave $0.12 $0.02
1 Book of Taiyou $0.44 $0.23
1 Card of Sanctity $0.27 $0.07
1 Gold Moon Coin $0.1 $0.08
1 A Feather of the Phoenix $0.29 $0.21
1 Swords of Revealing Light $0.12 $0.08
2 Book of Moon $0.19 $0.1
2 Reload $0.15 $0.1
1 Spell Card "Monster Reborn" $0.88 $0.32
1 Book of Eclipse $0.25 $0.16

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