by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Fire King Decks Yugioh Deck

TCG Snake-Eye Fire King

by Deck Master

Main: 52 Extra: 15 Side: 15

Banlist: 2024.01 TCG

26 Last Updated: 2024-01-19

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Deck Description

I win with this deck in BO1 80%. This deck contains some 1-card combo(s) and perfect staples.

Let us look around combo

  1. Normal Summon Populus, search Original Sinful
  2. Link Populus to Linkuriboh, Populus place Populus
  3. Original Send Populus, SS PK Ponix
  4. Ponix search Sanctuary, Sanctuary Place FK Island
  5. FK Island destroy Ponix, search Garunix
  6. Garunix destroy Kirin, Kirin SS ponix and destroy 1 card (If you want)

Now you have 3 monsters, it is enough to climb Promethean, Raging Phoenix. In the next turn, Promethean Princess destroys Phoenix, trigger Garunix and Garunix trigger A fire king monster from your deck. However you can see Evil eyes monster as Ash, Oak, Flambarge, they are used to for extend combo. In step 1, if you Normal Summon Ash to search Populus, SS Poplus by bonfire and have Ash in your hand, or you normal summon ponix and use Original for ash, or WANTED, for something. Then in step 6, you have Ash in addition to Linkuriboh, Ponix and Garunix.

  1. Ash send Ash and Kuriboh SS Oak
  2. Oak SS 1 fire monster, send Oak and that monster for Flambarge
  3. Now we have Flamberge (crazy floater), Garunix and Ponix, 2 FK -> I.P then Promethean
  4. Flamberge SS 2 lv1 monster, Promethean SS Flamberge. Flamberge Place I:P
  5. Promethean + A lv1 -> Sala Sunlight Wolf, Linkuriboh tribute the another lv1 monster . Wolf recycle Kirin, Summon Heatsoul and pay 2000 to draw 2 in 2 turn.
  6. If you combo in your opponent's turn, you can: Flamberge place his monster to S/T, Phoenix -> Zealantis to breakboard.
  7. In next turn Diabellstar, I:P or Promethean send Flamberge, Flamberge SS Oak and Ash then ++++

Now we tell about the last extenders

  1. If we have sanctuary, Ponix search Circle of Fire King, In a mixed FK deck, Circle is easier than Sky Burn to use
  2. Populus search Dramatic Chase, Chase Place Diabellstar, Diabellstar set Betrayal- Silvera for one more negate. WANTED -> Diabellstar + Silvera too.
  3. FK Avatar Arvata for normal summon or Garunix destroy Arvata to summon Kirin, Barong for a broken combo, Garunix destroy Barong to search Kirin only.
  4. We have dark (Linkuriboh, Anima) and fire so we have 2 charmer to access Promethean in a broken combo. We can summon Selene -> Diabellstar search -> Accesscode clear field too.
  5. Garunix can destroy Arvata, SS Kirin or Kirin SS itself from your hand, then XYZ FK rank 8 to boardwipe. (Sanctuary help a bit)
  6. Starslayer over Garunix to send Garunix to GY and clear a die-hard or floater as : Mirrorjade Iceblade, Dragoon or Mountain Dragon of Ice Barrier

About staple card: Impermn, Ash , Fenrir is easy to trigger and Droll, Nibiru prevent an auto-lose match if we go second.

In the future

The new Illusion Sinful Spoil monster is good and it isn't brick as the trap so we will use it instead of the trap. Then Dramatic place the Illusion monster and WANTED search Illusion monster instead of Diabellstar. Even if, we can play 2-3 copies of her.

If Garunix Destroy Consort Ulkanix and Ulkanix ss High Avatar Garunix, we still have 3 monsters ( Linkuriboh, Sacred Garunix, High Avatar Garunix) and Garunix lv1 monster in your GY will return to the hand in next standby +1. In addtion to, Ulkanix is a good starter so we can play 2 Ulkanix +1 High Avatar Garunix.


Fire King is very strong in BO1, spam crazy floater(Sacred Garunix, Raging Phoenix and Promethean in GY, almost monsters on the field); 1 card combo.


Main [52] [4] [18] [28]


Extra [15] [13] [2]

Side [15] [6] [5] [4]


Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
3 Nibiru, the Primal Being $0.41 $0.74
1 Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon $0.14 $0.13
1 Fire King High Avatar Garunix $0.22 $0.21
1 Sacred Fire King Garunix $0.28 $0.52
3 Fire King High Avatar Kirin $0.34 $0.6
1 Diabellstar the Black Witch $1.03 $1.72
3 Kashtira Fenrir $9.69 $9.36
1 Fire King Avatar Arvata $0.16 $0.24
2 Fire King Avatar Arvata $0.0016 $0.0024
3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring $1.6 $1.93
1 Kurikara Divincarnate $6.06 $7.35
1 Snake-Eye Oak $0.52 $0.4
3 Snake-Eye Ash $1.08 $0.28
2 Snake-Eyes Poplar $2.01 $3.12
1 Legendary Fire King Ponix $0.05 $0.5
3 Droll & Lock Bird $0.74 $0.73
1 Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye $1.87 $1.67
3 Upstart Goblin $1.79 $1.71
3 Bonfire $1.32 $2.18
1 Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye $1.19 $2.68
1 Called by the Grave $0.19 $0.18
1 Dramatic Snake-Eye Chase $0.11 $0.13
1 Circle of the Fire Kings $0.16 $0.06
3 WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils $0.95 $2.01
2 Fire King Sanctuary $0.2 $0.38
2 Fire King Island $0.09 $0.07
3 Infinite Impermanence $1.98 $1.99
1 Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera $0.15 $0.2
1 Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis $29.4 $26.43
1 Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings $0.27 $0.54
1 Salamangreat Raging Phoenix $13.3 $8.28
1 Worldsea Dragon Zealantis $0.41 $1.08
1 Accesscode Talker $0.95 $0.12
1 Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames $0.6 $1.22
1 Decode Talker Heatsoul $0.14 $0.11
1 Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians $0.26 $0.15
1 Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy $0.2 $0.16
1 Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze $0.11 $0.02
1 Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf $0.6 $0.95
1 S:P Little Knight $6.3 $7.71
1 I:P Masquerena $0.61 $1.06
1 Linkuriboh $1.81 $1.66
1 Relinquished Anima $3.88 $2.54
2 Dinowrestler Pankratops $0.2 $0.12
2 Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion $0.34 $0.29
1 Harpie's Feather Duster $-0.01 $-0.01
3 Cosmic Cyclone $0.16 $0.1
1 Snatch Steal $1.02 $0.65
3 Imperial Iron Wall $0.12 $0.16
3 Anti-Spell Fragrance $0.11 $0.02

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