by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Tearlaments Decks Yugioh Deck

Main [40] [3] [17] [20]

Extra [15] [1] [1] [3] [10]

Side [15] [3] [6] [6]

How to Play

This is Tearlaments Its primary purpose is fusion summoning “a lot”.I run a small “Branded” package inside of the deck to support its Main game plan +2 each of “Dark World” cards and “Shaddoll” cards. I would consider this deck rogue, since It can’t put out three army negates and maybe even more like “Superheavy Samurai” but it can put out at least one sort of Negate with “Grapha, Dragon Overlord of Dark World” And usually not even reaching our fifth summon.

The deck is not completely automatic and does rely a some luck, but one of my go to combos is having branded Fusion plus “Reinoheart”. “Reinoheart” could be replaced with either of the field Spell, Terraforming or Fusion Deployment Which can all get Reinoheart.

We activate “Branded Fusion” sending both “Fallen of Albaz” and “Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World” and we go into “Lubellion the Searing Dragon” activating its effect returning both it and “Fallen of Albaz” back into the deck/extra deck (It is important that “Fallen of Albaz” goes back (we only play one of them in the entire deck) after this we are fusion summoning into “Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon” which is non-targeting banishing removal.

Then we use our card to get into “Reinoheart” or normal summon Rhino Heart itself. From our deck to the graveyard we send any three of the Limited tier names. My personal preference is “Merrli”.

After that, we activate its effect on It as well as “Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World” from a graveyard putting them both on the bottom of our deck so that we can summon “Grapha, Dragon Overlord of Dark World”. Assuming you’re going first, you would end your turn here.

You have not gone into a fifth Summon, meaning you cannot be “Nib”. If at any point we have “Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World”In our graveyard And we have an available Tear Fusion summon Point “Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World”.

Back into your extra deck so you can Summon “Dragostapelia”.

Some of the most important you go vice you can ever be taught, that I had to learn on my own is sometimes just playing your deck in the different way with the exact same cards completely changes how the deck functions. Or by just changing what order you activate your cards in we’ll also give you a different result in the board. With this deck, when in doubt just manage your resources to the best of your abilities, put your cards back into your deck so you can bring them out later. 

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