by Dueling Nexus in
Constellar Decks Deck Profile Tellarknight Decks Yugioh Deck


by Brogam

Main: 47 Extra: 13 Side: 0

Banlist: 2024.09 TCG

14 Last Updated: 2024-11-08

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


You can get one of our top decks by clicking on the top decks button above. This deck was published by one of our users.

Deck Description

Duelist Brogam shared this deck on Dueling Nexus. While the description was published by Lorelei. This here deck was named TellarKnights! by the person who created it. No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the September 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-11-08.

Brogam didn't specify if this deck is better at going first or second at the start of the duel. Brogam didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. Brogam didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play.

The full list is available below, as you can see, the main deck has 47 cards.

I use Dueling Nexus to build my decks because they have the best deck editor in the world. If you want to know what your opening hand might look like, use the shuffle button in the deck editor.

Main [47] [4] [15] [28]

Extra [13] [13]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
3 Satellarknight Altair $0.32 $0.2
3 Satellarknight Deneb $4.85 $7.36
3 Satellarknight Vega $0.22 $0.03
2 Stellarknight Zefraxciton $0.15 $0.1
2 Satellarknight Procyon $0.11 $0.06
3 Tellarknight Lyran $0.14 $0.05
2 Satellarknight Betelgeuse $0.18 $0.07
2 Satellarknight Zefrathuban $0.21 $0.33
3 Satellarknight Unukalhai $0.19 $0.02
2 Satellarknight Alsahm $0.62 $0.81
3 Tellarknight Altairan $0.14 $0.07
2 Photon Sanctuary $0.38 $0.71
2 Photon Lead $0.38 $0.34
2 Satellarknight Skybridge $0.67 $0.39
2 Tellarknight Genesis $0.19 $0.06
3 Constellar Tellarknights $0.2 $0.15
1 Hexatellarknight $0.11 $0.02
3 The Warrior Returning Alive $0.06 $0.06
2 Stellarnova Wave $0.15 $0.06
2 Stellarnova Alpha $1 $2.46
3 Darktellarknight Batlamyus $0.58 $1.2
2 Stellarknight Delteros $1.22 $2.21
2 Stellarknight Triverr $1.07 $2.2
2 Number 39: Utopia $0.15 $0.15
1 Number C39: Utopia Ray $0.14 $0.13
1 Number S39: Utopia the Lightning $0.17 $0.35
2 Tellarknight Constellar Caduceus $0.05 $0.04

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