by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile The Phantom Knights Decks Yugioh Deck

Main [40] [6] [10] [24]

Extra [15] [4] [11]

Side [15] [5] [6] [2] [2]

How to plAY the Phantom Knights deck

This is my Phantom knights deck, The Phantom knights are a combo orientated archetype that revolve around the graveyard and XYZ summoning, mainly rank 3’s and some rank 4’s, PK’s can be both a casual deck or a decent comp deck depending on who’s using them.

This archetype is fairly customizable and can vary based on preference, but the main objective of any PK deck is to summon The Phantom knight of rusty bardiche since he is the main boss monster of the deck, After that the choice is up to the player.

This deck list focuses more on if you’re going first, locking and negating or, if your going second, board breaking and otk’ing.

For going first The end board should at best have, The Phantom knights of rusty Bardiche, an Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess or Dark requiem xyz Dragon or both if you can, if Requiem Dragon can’t be made then make either Evilswarm Nightmare or Time Thief Redoer, and have an empty The Phantom knights of Break sword with a The Phantom knights’ Rank-Up-Magic Launch so that on your opponents turn you can make Evilswarm Ophion.

For going second If you break your opponents board, get rid of their negates, or if you interrupted their combo you can then you can do the combo of getting rusty bardiche after that your main goal would be summoning Arc Rebellion xyz Dragon and summoning 2 or 3 more monsters to be able to OKT your opponent.

Combo example

For the decks one card combo: normal summon tour guide of the underworld (then if possible special summon Kagemucha knight)->Special summon Graff->link summon into Cherubini->Graff activates in grave special summon Cir->Activate Cherubini dump The Phantom knights of ancient cloak->link summon into The Phantom knights of rusty Bardiche->cir activates in grave special summon Cherubini->activate rusty send torn scales, after that its up to the pilot of this deck to decide on what they want to do next.

Side note

The Phantom knights are a very versatile archetype which means there are many ways to play them, this is how i like to play them.

So if you wanna have one card replace another that’s fine, PK’s are quite modular so if you wanna replace a card or add an engine the deck then more power to you. It’s all about preference and what your preference is will dictate the way you want to play.

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