Please note that this deck was published by a DNx user. You can see our curated list of top decks by clicking the button above.
Deck Description
We here at Dueling Nexus would like to thank RICHIEBOY64 for sharing their deck with everyone. and also Lorelei for writing this description. We have a deck profile that was named Turbo vayu edison by the person who made it. This is a meta deck. Meta decks are decks that represent multiple different slots within the top 32 at a YCS, and often see a good amount of success at a Regional or National level. These Decks are often highly sought after by many different players and dominate formats. This deck uses the April 2010 Edison banlist. This deck was first shared on 2025-02-27.
This is an Aggro deck. Aggro decks have a high frequency of OTK's. OTK stands for One Turn Kill. They remove or devalue cards and have a linear playstyle. Aggro decks lack defense. This deck is relatively easy to play.
The entire deck profile is available below. The main deck contains exactly 42 cards.
I highly recommend you open this deck on the Dueling Nexus deck editor. Shuffle button is great as it can show you what your opening hand might look like.