by Dueling Nexus in


Dueling Nexus is looking for staff to help us improve our platform. Dueling Nexus is one of the largest yugioh platforms in the world, and its totally free.


Please note that all positions are unpaid volunteer positions. You will receive in-game items, such as: contributor time and rarity tokens (including Nexus tokens). You may also receive free promotion on our website and Discord server.

How To Apply

To apply, fill out our form by clicking here. You are required to have a Discord account and to be a member of our Discord server, so, if you aren’t already, make sure to join our server by clicking here. You may apply for multiple roles at once, and you may he hired for multiple roles at once.

Available positions



We are looking for writers to help us write articles about yugioh, and other games. Your job will be to create articles that are at least 300 words. Your articles can be about a number of topics of your choice, such as: news, card releases, decks, guides, strategies and more. You may use any language. Please note that you must write unique articles, you are allowed to cover topics that have been covered elsewhere, but you are not allowed to copy their articles and re-post them here.

Requirements: You should have enough free time to write at least 1 article per week.


As an editor, your job will be to keep track of articles written by writers. You will need to ensure that each new article follows the Dueling Nexus guidelines, such as no offensive or NSFW content. You will also have to create internal linking structure as per our guidelines.

Requirements: You should have enough free time to review at least 10 articles per week.


We need translators that speak one or more of the following languages: Portuguese, French, Korean, Thai. Your job will be to assist us in translating the website user interface into the language you speak.

Requirements: You need to be fluent in English, plus one or more of the following languages: Portuguese, French, Korean, Thai.

Graphical Design


As a graphic designer, your job will be to create game assets. Game assets may include: avatars, portraits, sleeves, frames, playmats, card rarities, banners and more.

Requirements: Experience in Photoshop or other image editing software.


As an artist, your job will be to create renders, illustrations and artworks.

Requirements: Experience creating renders, illustrations or artworks.

Video Editing

Video Editor

As a video editor, your job will be to edit Dueling Nexus videos. You may also be required to write scripts on topics provided by us, and record portions of the video using screen capture software. You will not be required to appear on camera, or record your voice, however, you may do so if you wish.

Requirements: Experience in any video editing software, such as Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve.

Audio Engineering


As an audio engineer, your job will be to create game audio assets, such as: EDM music and SFX.

Requirements: Knowledge with Computer Audio Programs, such as FL Studio, and familiarity producing and mixing EDM or SFX.


Lua Scripter

As a Lua scripter, your job will be to script yugioh cards for Dueling Nexus. Please note that the cards you create will be open source, and may be used by other games, such as ygopro.

Requirements: Knowledge of the Lua programming language. Understanding of yugioh game rules. You should have enough time to script at least one card per week. The card scripting structure is rather simple, so if you aren’t familiar with Lua, but have a good understanding of another programming language, you may apply.

C# Programmer

As a C# programmer, your primary job will be to program Nyx decks. You may be asked to work on other software for Dueling Nexus.

Requirements: Knowledge of the C# programming language. Basic understanding of yugioh game rules.

Discord Bot Programmer

As a Discord bot programmer, your job will be to create Discord bots for Dueling Nexus, to help us integrate the website with our Discord server.

Requirements: Knowledge of C#, Python or other programming languages that can be used to create Discord bots.

Community Moderation

Chat Moderator

We are currently looking for native Portuguese, German, Italian, Korean, and Thai speakers to help us better communicate with these communities, as well as address their concerns and needs over on our Discord Server.

Requirements: Chat Moderators are expected to regularly chat or at least check in on in at least some non-staff chats. This includes Voice Channels as well.

Deck building Organizer

As we look to grow our platform beyond being just a game, we are in need of individuals whom are familiar with the Yugioh TCG, OCG, and/or Rush meta games to post about event topping yugioh decks, as well as maintaining our Yugioh Deck Top 10 list relevant and up-to-date. This specific opportunity also includes the opportunity to write or co-author articles about these deck lists, including an explanation of tournament results, top cuts, tech choices, and more.

Requirements: This role requires monthly a minimum of monthly attention, and someone with good knowledge of the TCG, OCG, and/or Rush meta game, who can keep up with IRL events and/or news feeds.

Social Media Manager

As we look to expand our presence beyond our website, our first target was Discord, which we are well-settled in. We currently host Tournaments, Gameshows, and other events all via Discord, but we recognize that only a small portion of our community is on Discord. As such, we are looking for Social Media Managers to help moderate and post content to our platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. Additional platforms, such as Instagram or TikTok, can be opened if a suitable manager is found for these platforms.

Requirements: Familiarity with running a semi-professional Social Media account, including properly interacting with users, regularly posting content, using specific terms to boost SEO and page presence, among others.

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