This week I saw a lot of Kashtira Pure, Labrynth, and Gate Guardian (making a surprise appearance) on the Dueling Nexus Scene. Today I’ll review the top three decks I played in rotation and why I found them exciting, presenting S.K.A.A., Nemleria, and Floowandereeze!
Deck 1 – Ranked Crusher! Scareclaw Kashtira Adventurer!

Also known as S.K.A.A., one of the most successful meta decks I’ve found this week, with its incredible mechanics and usefulness in multiple situations. The ability to not only utilize powerful Kashtira cards like Shangri-Ira and Arise-Heart for zone-locking, Scareclaw for Tri-Heart, and the Adventurer engine for negates with Gryphon Rider is INSANE. With a good enough hand, I can usually get a good number of Kashtira XYZs, Baronne de Fleur, and Gryphon on the field, which allows me incredible negates against cards like Evenly Matched or Lightning Storm. And yes, Storm, because as any Scareclaw player should know, it only takes one Scareclaw monster to get things going to Special Summon Tri-Heart on the field, so all of my monsters are in defense anyway. Overall, I’ve seen great success with this deck. Suppose you do plan to try out S.K.A.A. I’d suggest doing some practice games against the Nexus bot or friends, as the number of things you can do in a round can get overwhelming.
Deck 2 – Casual Clencher! Nemurelia, Sleepy Time!

I already wrote a Rogue Deck review on this magnificent archetype, but I didn’t stop testing it out because it’s incredibly fun and addictive. You can lean back in your chair and watch as your opponent scrambles to find a way to get your Nemleria cards off the field before you come in with the sleepy princess, Dreaming Nemurelia, and serve their entire field and GY. Though, I did have a hard time against Kashtira, as monsters like Shangri-Ira would use my constant FD banishes for a chance to lock one of my zones. If they had Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker, then I also got a butt load of cards sent from my Main Deck to the Banished Zone as well… So that wasn’t very fun. Nevertheless, against other players, and since it’s relatively new, players couldn’t get past my sleepy time pals and watched as their entire field went. Poof!
Deck 3 – All-Arounder Winner! Floowandereeze, Furry Fun!

I plan to do a Rogue Deck review on this one later this week with the deck I was using but let me tell you — You don’t need Barrier Statue to still own the entire field. Floowandereeze was a wave that rose to the occasion, but the Floow community felt the ban of Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds was the end of this deck.
Well, I’m here to say that’s not the case for two significant reasons! You can search out Barrier Statue of the Torrent using Small World through Floowandereeze & Robina. It’s banished, sure, but that isn’t a problem since the deck has several searchers, and simply Normal Summoning a Floow monster will get you the card back easily. Secondly, I’ve been trying out a deck that utilizes Vanity’s Fiend and The Wicked Avatar, which are just as good substitutes for the deck to continue to prosper.
The continuous ability to interrupt your opponent with cards, chains, and negations during their turn and the fact that you’re never out of cards to use in your hand is a great opportunity that shouldn’t be wasted, and I definitely have not.
That’s my main three for this week! I hope you have fun dueling and trying some new decks!