by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Odd-Eyes Decks Performage Decks Performapal Decks Yugioh Deck

yuya try

by Tsukabii

Main: 59 Extra: 15 Side: 0

Banlist: 2024.12 TCG

0 Last Updated: 2024-12-10

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


This deck was uploaded by a Dueling Nexus user. We keep a curated list of the best yugioh decks available, to see it, simply click on the top decks button above.

Deck Description

Duelist Tsukabii created this deck on Dueling Nexus. While the description was brought to you by Shiloh. The duelist who made this deck calls it yuya try. This is a meta deck. When players use specific decks that are successful in a competition, we can call them meta. They feature some strong cards and the rest of the deck is built to suit those cards. This deck uses the December 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-12-10.

This is a Hybrid deck. Hybrid decks feature traits of various deck types. They exist to compensate for an inherent weakness of pure typings. Hybrid decks may present significant match-up problems. This deck is moderately easy to play.

The full list is available below, as you can see, the main deck has 59 cards.

I like to use the Dueling Nexus deck creator when creating my yugioh decks. You should use the shuffle button inside the deck creator to see your opening hands.

Main [59] [4] [14] [39] [2]

Extra [15] [1] [6] [3] [5]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
2 Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon $3.39 $0.2
2 Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon $0.71 $1.95
1 Odd-Eyes Phantasma Dragon $0.22 $0.02
1 Performapal Smile Sorcerer $0.13 $0.14
2 Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver $0.23 $0.3
2 Supreme King Gate Magician $1.73 $0.34
2 Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon $0.17 $0.08
1 Astrograph Sorcerer $0.07 $0.14
1 Supreme King Gate Infinity $0.1 $0.08
1 Supreme King Gate Zero $0.16 $0.11
1 Performapal Monkeyboard $0.4 $0.4
1 Performapal Odd-Eyes Seer $0.18 $0.15
2 Performage Wind Drainer $0 $0
2 Performage Cup Tricker $0 $0
2 Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm $0.06 $0.09
2 Performapal Skullcrobat Joker $0.42 $0.17
1 Performage Trick Clown $0.09 $0.08
2 Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer $0.21 $0.15
2 Performage Fire Dancer $0 $0
2 Supreme King Dragon Lightwurm $0.07 $0.1
1 Performage Water Dancer $0 $0
1 Performapal Lizardraw $0.2 $0.11
1 Performapal Ladyange $0.21 $0.25
1 Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron $1.53 $4.95
1 Performapal Trump Girl $0.07 $0.06
1 Performapal Guitartle $0.13 $0.15
1 Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet $0.1 $0.13
1 Performapal Five-Rainbow Magician $1.01 $1.2
1 Performapal Rain Goat $0.01 $0.04
1 Smile World $0.32 $0.08
2 Performapal Popperup $0.11 $0.08
2 Polymerization $0.16 $0.04
2 Odd-Eyes Fusion $0.26 $0.14
2 Performapal Recasting $0.17 $0.06
2 Wings of Light $0.4 $0.19
1 Pendulum Evolution $0.08 $0.06
1 Bubble Barrier $0.15 $0.09
1 Sky Iris $0.42 $0.22
1 Performapal Call $0.17 $0.05
2 Soul of the Supreme Celestial King $0.08 $0.1
1 Soul of the Supreme King $0.18 $0.06
1 Odd-Eyes Arcray Dragon $0.92 $0.78
1 Supreme King Z-ARC $0.39 $0.17
1 Performapal Gatlinghoul $0.24 $0.08
1 Starving Venom Fusion Dragon $0.2 $0.81
1 Performage Trapeze Witch $0 $0
1 Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing $0.15 $0.03
1 Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon $1.91 $2.02
1 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon $0.48 $0.52
1 Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon Overlord $0.41 $0.43
1 Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon $0.72 $0.76
1 Performage Trapeze High Magician $0 $0
1 Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Performage Trapeze Magician $0.54 $0.33
1 Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion $0.14 $0.03
1 Beyond the Pendulum $0.41 $0.45

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