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Deck Profile Galaxy Decks Galaxy-Eyes Decks Photon Decks Yugioh Deck

Zexal - Galaxy-Eyes V.3

by Dark Rebellion

Main: 60 Extra: 15 Side: 13

Banlist: 2024.01 TCG

108 Last Updated: 2024-09-30

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


This deck was published by a Dueling Nexus user. We keep a curated list of the best yugioh decks available, to see it, simply click on the top decks button above.

Deck Description

Special thanks goes to Dark Rebellion for sharing this deck with everyone, and to Petra for writing this article. The name of this deck profile is Zexal - Galaxy-Eyes V.3. No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the Jan. 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-02-22 and was last updated on 2024-09-30.

This is an Aggro deck. Aggro decks have a high frequency of OTK's. OTK stands for One Turn Kill. They remove or devalue cards and have a linear playstyle. Aggro decks lack defense. This deck is relatively easy to play.

There are exactly 60 cards in the main deck.

Dueling Nexus has the best deck creator to create your yugioh decks. Pressing the shuffle button will show you what your opening hand may be like.

Main [60] [8] [18] [34]

Extra [15] [1] [14]

Side [13] [6] [6] [1]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
3 Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon $0.12 $0.07
3 Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon $1.14 $0.37
3 Nebula Dragon $0.43 $0.11
1 Galaxy Brave $0.31 $0.17
3 Photon Vanisher $0.19 $0.13
2 Photon Delta Wing $11.13 $4.23
2 Starliege Seyfert $0.18 $0.15
2 Galaxy Summoner $0.13 $0.09
1 Galaxy Cleric $0.2 $0.09
3 Photon Advancer $0.87 $0.35
2 Photon Orbital $0.2 $0.1
1 Galaxy Wizard $1.6 $0.15
2 Galaxy Mirror Sage $0.14 $0.12
1 Galaxy-Eyes Cloudragon $0.93 $2.18
3 Galaxy Soldier $0.67 $0.74
1 Photon Emperor $0.05 $0.08
1 Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand $0.52 $0.64
2 Return of the Dragon Lords $0.25 $0.36
1 Accellight $0.24 $0.17
2 Trade-In $0.06 $0.06
3 Galaxy Expedition $0.37 $0.06
2 Galaxy Trance $0.74 $0.35
1 Photon Lead $0.38 $0.34
1 Seventh Force $0.11 $0.21
2 Galaxy Hundred $0.14 $0.06
1 Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords $0.14 $0.08
1 Galaxy Wave $0.22 $0.15
1 Future Fusion $0.18 $0.12
1 Galaxy Zero $0.23 $0.19
2 Photon Timestop $0.09 $0.07
3 Infinite Impermanence $1.86 $1.79
1 Photon Current $0.4 $0.29
1 Eternal Galaxy $0.18 $0.08
1 Photon Change $0.17 $0.09
1 Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon $0.52 $0.11
2 Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon $0.6 $1.63
1 Number C62: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon $1.41 $1.54
1 Number 97: Draglubion $0.55 $0.12
1 Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon $0.42 $0.11
1 Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord $8.8 $8.75
1 Starliege Lord Galaxion $2 $0.28
2 Galaxy Photon Dragon $1.04 $0.7
2 Starliege Photon Blast Dragon $1.2 $3.71
1 Number 71: Rebarian Shark $0.07 $0.11
1 Galaxy-Eyes Solflare Dragon $2.56 $3.25
1 Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon $0.13 $0.1
1 Twin Photon Lizard $0.2 $0.11
1 Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon $0.26 $0.64
2 Starliege Lord Galaxion $2 $0.28
1 Starliege Paladynamo $0.67 $0.3
1 Number 51: Finisher the Strong Arm $0.25 $0.27
1 Number 20: Giga-Brilliant $0.24 $0.3
1 Photon Sanctuary $0.38 $0.71
1 Polymerization $0.09 $0.02
1 Rank-Up-Magic - The Seventh One $0.1 $0.13
1 Barian's Chaos Draw $0.22 $0.27
1 Seventh Force $0.11 $0.21
1 Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords $0.14 $0.08

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