by Dueling Nexus in
Deck Profile Yugioh Deck


by OldSchoolGhost

Main: 40 Extra: 11 Side: 12

Banlist: 2024.04 TCG

1 Last Updated: 2024-12-22

Open In EditorTop DecksYugioh Decks


Please use the top decks button to see our full list of curated meta decks. This deck was uploaded by one of our users.

Deck Description

Dueling Nexus user OldSchoolGhost published this deck with everyone, while this article was created by Shiloh. The name of this here deck is 1.Gren. No deck type has been provided. This deck uses the April 2024 TCG banlist. This deck was first shared on 2024-07-05 and was last updated on 2024-12-22.

I like to go second at the start of the duel whenever possible with this deck. OldSchoolGhost didn't specify the playstyle for this deck. OldSchoolGhost didn't specify how difficult this deck is to play.

This main deck has 40 cards.

I create all my decks using the Dueling Nexus deck editor because its the best one. You should use the shuffle button inside the deck editor to see your opening hands.

Main [40] [6] [18] [16]

Extra [11] [11]

Side [12] [6] [6]

Deck Breakdown

Main Deck

Extra Deck

Archetype Breakdown

Deck List

# Name TCGPlayer Cardmarket
2 Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher $0.1 $0.13
2 Kashtira Ogre $0.11 $0.07
3 Dimension Shifter $0.11 $0.54
3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring $4.69 $3.25
3 Gren Maju Da Eiza $0.18 $0.07
3 Eater of Millions $0.23 $0.4
2 Raigeki $2.52 $0.65
1 Harpie's Feather Duster $-0.01 $-0.01
3 Pot of Desires $0.27 $0.02
3 Pot of Extravagance $0.23 $0.23
3 Dark Hole $0.15 $0.02
1 Reasoning $0.17 $0.07
1 Terraforming $0.19 $0.07
3 Cosmic Cyclone $0.12 $0.11
1 The Seal of Orichalcos $0.56 $1.05
3 Infinite Impermanence $6.18 $2.16
3 Ice Dragon's Prison $0.22 $0.19
1 Underworld Goddess of the Closed World $0.26 $0.43
1 Topologic Zeroboros $0.36 $0.44
1 Borrelsword Dragon $-0.01 $-0.01
1 Borreload Dragon $0.31 $0.07
1 Accesscode Talker $1.02 $2.11
1 Knightmare Unicorn $0.18 $0.02
1 Knightmare Phoenix $0.52 $0.22
1 S:P Little Knight $44.09 $48.23
1 Moon of the Closed Heaven $0.14 $0.16
1 I:P Masquerena $0.45 $0.84
1 Relinquished Anima $2.27 $2.24
3 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit $0.42 $0.34
3 Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion $0.31 $0.29
3 Solemn Strike $0.22 $0.17
3 Solemn Judgment $0.5 $0.41

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